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Augustus Paul Andrew

New Moon Sighted; Bible Eleventh Month Begins!

New moon day greetings to each and all. After 50 minutes of searching and waiting which began from sunset (6:01), l was able of sighting the new moon last evening, Tuesday 27th January 2009, not until the time was 6:51pm because the sky was partly cloudy/overcast over the western horizon. Praise be to Yahweh our Creator of the moon for allowing me to see it and to so inform you through His grace, mercy, kindness and compassionate love. I wish each and everyone of you a joyous new moon day today Wednesday 28th January 2009, beginning the Bible 11th month Sebat (Zechariah 1:7). Yowm chodesh sameach aleichem!
Augustus Paul
Roseau, Dominica
Wednesday 28th January 2009