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Augustus Paul Andrew

New Moon Begins the Bible 3rd Month

Upon counting 50 days from the first day of the week occuring during the Bible commanded 7-days Feast of Unleavened Bread in the Bible first month of the year called ABIB, Pentecost<pentekoste which is fifty, fiftieth [day] in the Greek language must fall in the Bible 3rd month of the year. Beginning a fifty days count from a first day of the week called Sunday must entail seven weekly Sabbaths and eight first days of the week. Upon the arrival of that eighth first day of the week making the fiftieth day in that count, the Bible commands that it is a Sabbath day of rest and worship in observance of the Feast of Harvest/Weeks. It is the day of First Fruits, says the Holy Bible.
The arrival of the Bible third month obviously signals the nearing of that Bible commanded feast as it is the month in which this Bible festival always occurs on which self same Bible festival the Ten Commandments law is understood to have been ratified with the children of Israel at mount Sinai and of course when the Holy Spirit Power was being poured down to this earth from on High upon the disciples while they were all with one accord in one place in observance of this Bible commanded 50th-day Sabbath Feast of Harvest/Weeks.
www.TruthofYahweh.org reports of having received a new moon report on Wednesday evening 19th May 2004 from Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A. that the new moon was sighted there on that evening by six people at 7:40 p.m. MST. I personally just cannot confirm whether or not if the new moon did indeed make an appearing on that evening of 19th May 2004 after 29 days as the area of the sky where to have sighted the new moon was altogether covered with clouds here in Roseau, Commonwealth of Dominica being able of seeing only three stars over the horizon.
www.YNCA.com reports of having received two confirmations from California, U.S.A. that the new moon was sighted there after 30 days on Thursday evening 20th May 2004 at 7:46 p.m. PT in La Mesa by two persons and at 8:46 p.m. PT in Lake Hemet by one person. The whole sky on this evening 20th May 2004 here in Roseau, Commonwealth of Dominica was overcast with no possibility of seeing even one star and so, any possibility of me sighting the new moon for sure, proved fruitless. I can therefore only go according to received or website-published reportings on the sighting of the new moon.
Be it on the 19th or the 20th that the new moon was being first sighted, the fact remains that we are really into the Bible third month Sivan as I write this Friday 28th May 2004, two days away from Sunday 30th May 2004 when it will be the fiftieth day in observance of the Sabbath Feast of Harvest/Weeks.
I wish each and all a very joyous Pentecost Sabbath Feast of Harvest/Weeks on Sunday 30th May 2004.
Augustus Paul
28th May 2004