New Moon,
FIRST Day of the Bible New Year: Tuesday 20th March 2007
Beginning the year,
the Bible way, during the time of the barley Abib (green ears of corn/grain) in Israel with the visible appearing of
the new moon in the Americas on Monday evening 19th March 2007 (Tuesday 20th March 2007) at that time,
in the early of spring, is paramount in commemorating our resurrected Savior’s Passover death on the exact same Bible-lunar
calendar date that He died some 2,000 years ago, and the Feast of Unleavened Bread that immediately follows for seven (7)
days during which, the children of Israel were brought out from slavery in Egypt and crossed the red sea, and our Savior was
being resurrected from the dead near sunset of the 3rd day of this feast on a Saturday.
You Are Invited
Passover Night
The evening of the
14th day of this Bible 1st month Abib when we are commanded to commemorate our Savior’s Passover death, after sunset of the 13th
day of Abib, will be Sunday evening 1st April 2007. This Passover evening memorial service will begin at 7:00 p.m. (-4 GMT). Yahweh’s Passover is not a commanded Sabbath observance.
Feast of
Unleavened Bread Nightly Services
Nightly services
throughout this 2007 Feast of Unleavened Bread will be from Monday 2nd to Thursday 5th and from Saturday
7th to Sunday 8th April. Evening services begins at 7:30 p.m. with the exception of the Wave Sheaf evening
service which will begin earlier, just after sunset Saturday 7th April. Leaven must not be in our houses
during this feast.
Worship Services during the Feast of Unleavened Bread
Sabbath day worship
services during this seven-day (15th-21st Abib) 3rd-9th April 2007 Feast of Unleavened
Bread will be from 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday 3rd, Saturday 7th and Monday 9th April. Leaven must
not be a part of what we ingest into our body and, we MUST ensure that unleavened bread is eaten on
each day of this feast.
Yahweh’s New Covenant Assembly (YNCA)
(opposite Operation
Youth Quake; near the
Dominica Community
High School )
Savanne Park (close to Louisville ), Roseau
Commonwealth of Dominica , West Indies
Tel.: (767) 448-8143
Cell/mobile: (767) 245-8369
In TRINIDAD, West Indies:
Sabbath day services –
3rd April 10:00 a.m., 7th April 9:30 a.m. and 9th April 10:00 a.m. (-4 GMT)
Yahweh’s New Covenant Assembly (YNCA)
North Hyde Road, Bagatelle
San Juan, Trinidad, West Indies
Tel.: (868) 665-8865
Cell/mobile: (868) 750-2397