Look For Each New Moon
Subject to the Bible command that we are to be on the look out for each new moon and to proclaim a spiritual offering
in praise and worship to our Creator at the appearing of each new moon beginning of the month (Numbers
28:11-15; Isaiah 66:23; Colossians 2:16-17), it is emcombent on us to always be on the look out for
the visible appearing of each new moon which is, biblically, when each month
of the year begins.
That some new moons do become visible after the lunar 29th day, it
is advisable that our search for each new moon to ALWAYS begin from the sunset-end of the
lunar 29th day that a visible appearing of a new moon does not bypass us unawares in expectation of a lunar
30th day.
If it, however, does not become visible to the naked eye after the sunset-end of the lunar 29th
day under clear sky conditions over the western horizon, then it will surely become visible just after sunset of the
lunar 30th day which will then be new moon evening even if the sky is overcast resulting in not being
able to sight the new moon.
A new moon website with imagery that you might find to be of
great help and could be consulted each month to have an idea as to when you might be able of seeing the new
moon, from your area/region, with your naked eyes, is www.CrescentMoonWatch.org.
Please, feel free to share with this website, where you're now at, or http://LookForEachNewMoon.grouply.com * http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LookForEachNewMoon that you've looked for the new moon and what date, time and from where that you've sighted it with your naked eyes
(without the assistance of such as binoculars or telescope), if you've seen it, or did not see it and why you did
not see it, for the benefit of others.
We wish you a successful new moon search/sighting each lunar 29th/30th
day from/after sunset and a reporting back to us!
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