"...the delegation from Bethel who have been tasked with the verification of the growing season
have reported that the season is well advanced. Full heads of wheat (which follows barley by at least three to four weeks)
have been picked and confirmed to be well along the road to full development. This means that if this trend holds out, the
next New Moon must be sanctified as Abib..."
(AS I SEE IT: Locations of findings NOT stated that would
have helped in other searchers on the ground to verify claim. And, it is the month of Abib we're commanded. NOT
the month of wheat. -APA)
...the delegation found multiple fields of barley that have developed into the late dough stage...
(AS I SEE IT: Locations of findings NOT stated that would
have helped in other searchers on the ground to verify claim. As to how late is late dough stage barley of the three
categories of dough stages there are and, which one of the three stages is the Abib stage? Soft dough stage? Firm dough
stage? Hard dough stage? Which? Object of appearance in photos published does NOT show to be barley
browning/yellowing in the ripening Abib stage, based on pictures of ripening Aviv barley I've already seen. -APA)
We thank Yahweh for all of His blessings, for the visible sign of Abib and for the continuity He promised in Genesis
8 that "As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest shall continue".
(AS I SEE IT: Locations of findings NOT stated that would have helped in other
searchers on the ground to verify claim. Besides, pictured barley shown alongside the podium at place of worship looks
exactly to be the same barley in the picture claimed to be in the late dough stage in the 2nd March report which does
not look at all to be barley browning in the ripening Abib stage, based on pictures I've already seen online of barley
browning/yellowing in the ripening Abib stage. Any pictorial proof of the visible sign of Abib which must
be barley browning in the ripening Abib stage? Posted reports along with pictures made available, to me,
does NOT prove claim of such, and, are NOT convincing in the absence of pictorial proof of visible sign of
Abib in a MAJORITY amount in a MAJORITY of fields. -APA)
THE Jordan Valley and Northern Negev
A stalk of 2-row Aviv Barley in the northern
Negev on March 4, 2016. We went out on a preliminary examination of the barley in the Jordan Valley and the Northern Negev.
The barley in the Jordan Valley was mostly in the flowering stage, nowhere even close to being Aviv. In the northern Negev
we found scattered stalks of Aviv Barley. At this point there is not enough for a harvest, so if Mar 4 were the last day of
the 12th Hebrew month, we would have a 13th month. However, we still have 6 days left for
the barley to continue to ripen. If we have 6 hot dry days, we may end up with sufficient quantities of Aviv barley to begin
the Hebrew New Year on March 10, 2016. It is also possible that 6 days from now, there will be no significant change, meaning
that March 10 will be the beginning of the 13th Hebrew month. This Aviv Search looks like it is going to be a cliffhanger!
This 2-row
barley in the Jordan Valley was in the flowering stage on Friday March 4, 2016, meaning it was nowhere near being Aviv. I
will be shocked if there is any Aviv in the Jordan Valley by the end of the 12th Hebrew month on March 10. Then again, this
is an educated guess and I could be wrong about how things will develop by next week. Things are looking much more ripe in
the northern Negev.
My thanks to Devorah Gordon of for joining me on today's impromptu examination of the barley.
Strait to the point including in picture with nothing to hide. -APA)
Intersection turning onto
road 232:
Very healthy WILD barley have
large heads and long stocks in late milk 7.7 stage for the majority of it, with some spots a little more mature and some less.
Roads 232 and 234 area
around the Re'im junction:
The same thing exists here as
noted earlier with a larger percentage of the barley heads holding some seeds in the VERY EARLY dough stage.
Conclusion from 7th March,
first day of searching:
Even with there being two weeks
before a first of a firstfruits of grain offering would need to be made. NONE of the locations we looked at would qualify
for it at that time in my opinion.
Upper Region of Valley, approaching
There were quite a few anenomes
in bloom in the upper region of the valley as you approach Mehola.
Even the roadside barley through
this area was NOWHERE near the growth stage of "aviv" which is physiologically mature enough to reproduce itself.
Early field of acceptable
WILD barley:
In the FLOWERING stages and EARLY
MILK stages with FLORETS on the heads.
Conclusion from 8th March,
second day of searching:
We checked many of the locations
in the area driving the side roads. EVERYTHING was VERY consistent. NOTHING we checked was close to meeting the minimum
standards for a first fruits grain offering as specified in Leviticus 2:14 and would NOT be in my opinion by the second
week of the upcoming month.
(AS I SEE IT note: "The upcoming
month" was the Wednesday sunset 9th March 2016 visible new moon in the Americas or the Thursday sunset 10th March
2016 visible new moon in Israel being referred to. -APA).
We choose not to use...domesticated
barley. They are all modified to produce early and...grow early to actually meet the time of harvest prior to having
to irrigate them. If you would like to read some fascinating studies on the wild barley growing in Israel, google
them in relation to Haifa University. Many are very eye opening. To date, the WILD barley is YOUNG in ALMOST EVERY instance.
One of the brethren ask about small patches of acceptable barley being used. If you have a small patch of barley in a big
field which may qualify for wave sheaf offering in 14-15 days after the end of the current lunar cycle, does that not count?
My personal answer is NO, it does NOT, for we need to start a harvest based on all the principles of the Bible which
are all based on harvesting with a sickle. I can send you a picture of a small patch in a field of barley that would
be meeting the minimum requirements of Leviticus 2:14 by the time needed during the next lunar month. You need to
ask yourself, is that in the spirit and letter of the law of such things? Do you sickle cut a small patch to make a sheaf
to stand by itself in a field of less mature grain which still needs a few weeks to mature to the point that you would be
putting the sickle to it?
Most if not all of the WILD barley
we have been inspecting has been out of the boot, head emerged, and in the FLOWERING stages and in some instances a little
beyond that.
A location on ROUTE 40
Approximately 50% of the fields
is in the SOFT dough stage. This field is between 1.5 to 2 acres in size in fertile soil. These red strain plants will
take about 10 day to dry on the husk on their own. Of course in a few days they could be assisted in the drying process so
they can be ground into fine flour. I have included another picture showing a seed in the dough stage but NOT as
advanced but from the same field.
Above you see the seed prior to
peeling and after peeling. Next you will see the head it came from which was randomly picked. It is quite brittle and snaps
easily as should be the case at this stage. Beside that you will see a seed that is not as advanced from the same field but
no doubt would meet the requirements of a grain offering in the next 17 days.
(AS I SEE IT: The strong green
look of the field in picture posted, at this point, does not so much as show a field anywhere close to starting to brown
or yellow in color as to indicate a stage of starting to enter the ripening aviv stage, except the area in that
field where it is the wild oats brown in color, mixed in with the barley, that has already dropped
in most plants. Let alone to ripe sufficiently in two to three weeks time for ready harvesting. This my observation
is based on pictures of wild barley fields I've already seen online from past years to last
year 2015 in the riping stage of aviv. Soft dough, as I understand it, is a stage in which it is STILL way
TOO soft and watery for roasting. This is STILL about ONE, if not TWO more stages - firm dough? > hard dough?
- left for, as claimed, 60% of the field at least to have ALREADY arrived to the browning/yellowing
color of the Aviv ripening stage at which, it could ALREADY be roasted even prior to the sighting of the
Exodus 12:1-2 and Deuteronomy 16:1 commanded new moon and timing of it. It is then sufficiently fully ripe, entering
the third quarter of the moon, ready for sickle harvesting, beginning with what was the wave sheaf offering as the start
of meal preparation from the available majority of barley ripe grain. This soft dough stage at which this field
was met, clearly was NOT in the qualifying Aviv stage. Hence, any mentioning of the word "aviv" was
avoided. -APA)
Along road 232 between
Be'eri and Kisufim, Western Negev
Now we have two locations of wild
barley which are located along road 232 between Be’eri and Kisufim. They are both located a distance from the main road.
So, it takes some time and effort to get to them. They are both located on a hill. These samples are from the higher elevations
and the top. Lets call the first one, field 1 with its samples and the second, field 2 with its samples. As you will see,
the samples from the top of field two are already very hard and very brittle and very healthy as well. As I stated earlier,
these fields will mature from the top and work their way down. That is a lesson we learned in Israel many years ago. Both
locations will provide much more than an omers worth of barley for a wavesheaf...I only say that; for many have asked the
question about an omer specifically.
(AS I SEE IT: Much more than an omers
worth of barley for a wave sheaf does NOT sound like 60%-75% in majority at least in each of these two fields.
The appearance in picture is indeed hard deep brown. But notice, there is still NO mentioning as to whether if the
FEW heads and grains shown in picture is in the Aviv stage or not. It is as if there's a fright to make mention
of the word Aviv, at least, for the sake of those who have no understanding as to the sort of discriptions being given.
What needs to be understood, is, is it Aviv or not Aviv? Something else concerning these two locations of wild barley and
which is key here, which should NOT go unobserved, is NOT having provided at least one picture of
each one of these two locations on the top of that hill, just as having provided pictures of fields from the previous
three days of searching. Pictures provided from the previous three days of searching included fields of wild barley in
the late milk 7.7 stage with dried out wild oats in the midst, barley in the flowering and very early dough stages,
of fig trees, of a flowering and early milk stage barley field with oats just starting to get ready to change color
mixed in, of flocks of lambs, ewes and rams, of a vineyard, of domesticated barley and mentionings
of storks, sour grapes, designer grapes, flock of stocks, doves, grapes, old vineyard, storks migrating, rams and other species
of migrating birds, all this and more. But showing to have found very hard and very brittle and very healthy acceptable
wild barley in two fields on top of a hill on the fourth and final day of aviv barley searching, NOT so much
as even one picture of either of those fields have been provided that it could have been seen
what size area of those fields is at a browning/ripening stage, are yet to be placed forward
for the scrutiny of all, except a few heads and grains without ever mentioning the word Aviv. Was this out of absent
mindedness to not have provided one picture at least of each of those two fields on top of that hill? Rather very interesting
indeed. It was not until in the 12th March 2016 Summation Report we see a mentioning of "Aviv" upon answering the
question being asked as to how much barley was in this state of Aviv there. The answer given is, "It was PROBABLY ABOUT
a section 10 or 15 feet by the same measurement. Outside of that, it went down in the stages of dough as one moved further
away." When asked by some, if this amount would constitute an omer of grain at that location as of Thursday (10th March 2016),
the reply was, "...I could NOT tell you for sure. For, I have NEVER ground an omer of grain just enough to educate myself
as to what stage it can be ground at..." This is all guest work as to the field amount of the brown looking few heads
and grains of barley pictured, clearly not comprising of a majority of those two fields. Why would have Moses and Aaron
later understand differently the amount of barley per field and the amount of fields to ALREADY be in the Aviv stage from
what they were seeing before their eyes at that very moment Yahweh was instructing them on the moon, new moon
that is to be the first month of the year. So huge in MAJORITY amounts was the barley in the Aviv stage throughout the
land of Egypt in Exodus 9:31 at the time of the hail, and in Goshen (Exodus 9:25-26) even THREE chapters PRIOR
to the appearing of the first new moon of the year in Exodus 12:1-2, that there was sufficient fully ripe barley
grain some two weeks later from which some history recorded two million plus people there in Goshen were
able to have made themselves enough bread in clans of families for their journey out of Egypt from slavery.
They had no other food except the dough they left with without any leaven therein and baked themselves unleavened cakes from
that dough (Exodus 12:39). A huge amount of people in the historical figure stated earlier on, to be provided for. To
creep in the concept that all the amount of barley that is needed and required to be in the Aviv stage ahead of
the appearing of the new moon is just what is required for what was then the wave sheaf offering down into the middle of that
same moon is just NOT conforming to the vast amount of barley Moses and Aaron was seeing before their eyes that's in
the Aviv stage as Yahweh spoke with them on that evening of the new moon of Aviv. It is on seeing the amount of barley and
in what stage that amount was, at the sighting of that new moon and understanding the connection between the barley
and the new moon for the starting of the biblical first month, is why he was able to have instructed the next generation
of Israel almost forty years later in Deuteronomy 16:1 to observe (look, guard, watch out for) the new moon that
becomes visible at the time the barley is Aviv in such an amount from which the entire population could feed from as a nation in
about two to three weeks after the new moon is seen just as in Egypt. In light of such biblical plain
truths, the concept of needing just a wave sheaf amount of barley to be Aviv at the appearing of the new moon, to
me, is completely like a plate designed so flat to not hold any water to the drenching of one dying from acute
dehydration as a result of extreme thirstiness and is not to be harboured by anyone as being acceptable to our Creator.
This bit of barley found in the Aviv stage in just those two fields is inadequate therefore to had use
by which to declare this past Wednesday sunset 9th March 2016 sighting of the intercalary thirteenth new moon as the start of
the biblical first month. -APA)
Ahead of detailing his journeys, searches and findings
in eretz Israel, the starting of his barley report is preceded with an opening statement detailed in four points.
The longest of his four points
is his second point and the second longest of his four points is his fourth and last point.
A number of observations, depending
on the level of scriptural understanding and practicing of scriptural truth by the one reading through those points, can be
made, especially if his religious background in the sacred name movement from the 1960s is known by the one reading through
those points.
I'll start my observation, AS I SEE
IT, from his second point.
He says, "I have previously presented
logical arguments in support of early Abib. Briefly, the entire determination of Abib in Biblical times was an intergral part
of the Agricultutral season. The Israelites relied on the first crop of the year to feed their animals and replenish their
own food supplies. There would be a tremendous amount of concern in those times, then, that the crop be certified Abib as
soon as possible, in order for the harvest to begin. In SOME cases, undoubtedly, the very survival of the people
would depend on a timely approval of the High Priest to offer the wave sheaf. Talmudic record tells us that the High Priest
would even 'collate' a wave sheaf, bringing the most mature stalks of grain from VARIOUS farms and VARIOUS fields and producing
a sheaf. A harvest delayed by a month would mean extended shortage of feed stuffs and the PROBABILITY of a lost harvest
as a month delay could mean a harvest lost in the fields."
My question at this point would be,
why is he saying in SOME cases, undoubtedly, that the survival of the people would depend on a timely approval of the High
Priest to offer the wave sheaf? What can we understand from his use of the word SOME.
Israel already knew as a nation,
by way of instruction, what the requirements surrounding the barley were, when this crop was given in its season. Such
instruction was not isolated to only the priesthood. It was a communitywide knowledge throughout the entire nation that they
were all to look for the new moon that becomes visible to the naked eye precisely at the time the barley crops
are at the stage of Abib. This is the new moon they were instructed, as a nation, to be the start of the first month.
fields of barley would continually be monitored closely and of course, the priesthood as overseers over the people, would
perhaps themselves be keeping a close watch as to the development of this crop to ensure too, for themselves, that all
that our Creator had commanded, was being met on target.
As farmers kept track of the developing
stages of their growing barley fields, they would have not only notice the first head of barley that is showing to be entering
the maturing growth stage of Abib (an early ripening stage at which it can already be roasted for consumption ahead of the
two to three weeks for the harvest-able full maturity), but they would, number two, be monitoring the percentage of their
fields maturing to the Abib stage. Because, their ancients who were enslaved in Egypt would have instructed their next generation
after generation of what amounts of barley in a field approximately and what amounts of fields approximately that had ALREADY
arrive to the maturing growth stage of Abib at the time Yahweh had unleashed the plague of hail upon the nation of Egypt
geared at their deliverance from slavery there.
In Exodus 9, Goshen was the one and
only community where that hail was not experienced in Egypt because, this was where the children of Israel were
and was exempted from that plague among a number of other plagues. The barley throughout that community was in the Abib maturing
stage, untouched and the only area in Egypt where there was flax and barley after the hail. The flax was behind, in the budding
stage. The most advanced in maturity and that had ALREADY arrive to the ripening stage of the Abib was only the barley. The
maturing barley at that stage was yellowing in color, becoming early brittle enough which made it even easier that it
could have been destroyed by the hail of thunder mixed with fire.
The amount of barley in each field
that was ALREADY in this advance stage of Abib maturity in so many fields throughout Goshen when the new moon became visible
THREE chapters AFTER the hail, that Moses and Aaron were instructed is the first month, was so huge, that there was more
than enough harvest-able ripened barley for the historically said over two million people there to had knead themselves
the needed amount of dough per family. From this dough, we are told in scripture, they baked themselves cakes
which was unleavened. The barley was sufficiently ripe two weeks AFTER the sighted new moon which fascilitated the
amount of flour needed for so many people and families to had mix their dough and bake unleavened
cakes. The MAJORITY of each barley field had to ALREADY be at that Abib stage of maturity, in a MAJORITY of fields
at least, by the time that particular new moon appears, for there to had been enough ripe barley from which such a huge amount
of people could have had enough ripe barley, two weeks later, to make themselves the needed amount of flour
to bake their cakes. It was NOT the other way around for only a wave sheaf amount of barley required to be in the ear/head
(Abib/Aviv) for the new moon start of the first month. Else, of what necessity would it have been to raise any highlight or
cause for a noticing of the barley being in the ear at the time of the hail. Such an amount would certainly have been TOO
INSIGNIFICANT to had raise any awareness. The description that would have perhaps instead been given of the barley, would
have been that most of it was not as yet in the ear/head (Abib/Aviv) or some other form of description would have been given,
just as the flax that was as well destroyed, the Bible describes, was bolled (budding), at the time of the hail. Most,
if not all of the flax, was bolled (budding) in the fields at the time of the hail. So TOO, a MAJORITY of the barley, it
must be understood, was in the ear (Abib/Aviv) throughout at least a MAJORITY of the fields. The best interpretation
of Exodus 9:31 and that would be figured out by the average reader as to the amount of barley that was in the
ear at the time of the hail is that, all of it was in the ear, everywhere, as what amount is not stated.
It is with this understanding of
what was experienced and witnessed back in Egypt that Moses could have rehearsed to the next generation of the community
of Israel almost forty years later in Deuteronomy 16:1, to observe (#8104 shamar; hedge about, guard, protect,
attend to) the month (#2320 chodesh; the new moon; from #2318 chadash; to be new, to rebuild)
becoming visible AFTER that MOST of the barley in MOST farms and fields is ALREADY Abib (#24 ʼâbîyb; from
an unused root (meaning to be tender); green, i.e. a young ear of grain). In this way, as experienced back
in ancient Egypt, there'll be enough barley ALREADY fully matured and ripe for harvesting TWO TO THREE WEEKS
AFTER the sighting of the new moon, not only for the amount required for the wave sheaf offering start of the
harvest, but also for the feeding of the ENTIRE nation of Israel and the flocks from the Sunday first day of the week during
the Feast of Unleavened Bread after that offering was waved by the priest.
These two categories involving the
maturity of the barley is what would have been of greater significance not only to the priesthood, but to the ENTIRE
nation of Israel as well, as they looked forward to the heavenly commanded new moon start of each first month at
the specific given time of a MAJORITY of Aviv barley and the rehearsing observance of the Passover and feast
of Unleavened Bread in that same first lunar month (Exodus 12; Leviticus 23; Deuteronomy 16; 1 Corinthians
The priest would sure might have
had to ask of each of those farmers bringing in an inadvance sampling of the ripening Abib stage of the barley head to him
as to how much of their respective fields is in this maturing stage. This is even though the Talmudic record might not be
necessarily reflecting such may have been the case for the priest to have asked of each farmer as to how much of their barley
field is in this maturing, ripening stage of Abib (Aviv).
There are
those of us who know as well that ancient Judaism implemented a number of rules that our Savior didn't see eye to eye with
them about. However, that area of the Talmudic record that Elder Solomon Meyer have placed forward, does NOT appear
to be showing that the stalks of barley grain the High Priest "collated" for the wave sheaf, was the only barley heads that
was Abib matured in such of a little amount in each of those fields from which the sheaf was collated. Even if this may
have the case, the fact that the incoming stalks, from what the Talmudic record he says tells us, is coming from VARIOUS farms
and VARIOUS fields, to me, implies that a MAJORITY of barley is Abib in most of those VARIOUS farms and VARIOUS fields,
taking into account the use of the word VARIOUS. The priest, of course, would have been able to descern from the level
of maturity he's seeing before his eyes at which each of those heads of most maturing stalks brought to him are, whether if
by all means, there is to be a declaring of a leap year of thirteen moons, based on the amount of fields existent and
from which stalks were not brought, for in advance verification. The Talmudic recording of stalks being brought in for impromptu verification in the ending
of the twelfth moon to determine whether if the following moon is the first moon or not, may well have been
a deviation too, from Deuteronomy 16:9. The first putting of the sickle (what was used for cutting in harvesting) to
the standing ripe barley grain, according to this verse, was not to have started before that specific day of the wave
sheaf which starts the fifty days of counting down to the Pentecost (fiftieth day) Feast of Weeks. Looking at, examining and
testing the grains on the stalks in the barley fields would have been enough to determine the stage of the barley WITHOUT
having to cut the most mature stalks and bringing it to the priest for impromptu verification towards the ending
of the twelfth moon.
In the case of such minute (pronounced
my-noot') available quantity of barley ALREADY Abib at the sighting of the new moon, the lost of ripe barley grain to rottening,
through the delaying of the first moon, should be TOO minimal to be of any significance, if there has ever been any report
or evidence of such lost in Israel through the adding in of a thirteenth moon.
While any consumption of this new crop
was not to have started until the day of the wave sheaf offering (Leviticus 23:14), it must also be noted that the mark of
the start of the count down to observing the Pentecost (fiftieth day) Feast of Weeks fifty days later, was the waving of the sheaf
offering on the day this was done. My understanding of Deuteronomy 16:9 on this is that, the first putting of the
sickle (what was used to do the cutting in harvesting) to a sheaf of the standing stalks of the MAJORITY of ripe barley
in the karmel (full ears) stage and to a sheaf of the standing stalks of the MINORITY of maturing barley in
the Aviv stage, was on that very same day of the wave sheaf for the purpose of that offering. Meaning, I'm not seeing an indication in
this Deuteronomy 16:9 verse of scripture where farmers could have begin to cut their barley crop before
that Sunday first day of the week had arrive during the Feast of Unleavened Bread; even if it were to appear that there
will be a lost of what was most ripe to rottening by the time the wave sheaf day arrives during
the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
" Seven weeks shall you number unto
you: begin to number the seven weeks from such time as you begin to put the sickle to the corn" (Deuteronomy 16:9)
is the straight forward command dealing with the restriction against any cutting down prior to that
first cutting that was only to be for the wave sheaf offering. While, "And you shall eat neither bread, nor parched
corn, nor green ears until the selfsame day that you have brought an offering to your Elohim: it shall be a statute forever
throughout your generations in all your dwellings" (Leviticus 23:14) is the straight forward command dealing with the restriction
against any eating of or from the crop prior to the wave sheaf offering. In light of which, the excuse as was clearly put
forward by most of the March 2016 barley search groups from outside of Israel for not declaring a thirteenth month to
avoid such a lost of crop, falls flat on the face, defeated. Not one single physical or historical evidence
of such an occurance in Israel have not one of them presented. As noticed earlier, Elder Solomon Meyer is only IMAGENING,
providing no facts to prove such. Nor have seen anywhere in his report that he carried out an investigation while
in Israel, as to whether if such does really be the case in the years the calendar there carries a thirteenth
It's my turn now, where imagening
is concerned, to imagine that he is keeping track with what is happening on the ground over in Israel, to learn whether
if such will be the case this year, to prove the Karaite Jews March 2016 barley report is wrong in having declared
a thirteenth month that he IMAGINES will see barley ripe and rotten by the delaying of the first month. Not only would
he, Brian and Linda Convery would have to prove such is the case, but as well, how much, what percentage and in how many fields will
this be so this year March to April 2016. They might want to consider returning to Israel in time
for the Sunday 24th April 2016 wave sheaf start of the fifty days countdown for those of us acknowledging the April
2016 new moon as the month of Abib to prove that such those of us are in the wrong and they are in the right in
not having acknowledge the March 2016 new moon as an intercalary thirteenth month.
The amount of barley that can be
found in the stage of Abib at the sighting of the new moon is an amount which will be just enough or more than the amount
just enough for the wave sheaf about two weeks after the new moon, is NOT a majority amount in a majority of fields to
constitute that new moon as the first month of the year and so, that new moon has to be declared a thirteenth month, as was
suppose to had been done by everyone of us in the sacred name movement in our Gentile world with the visible new moon of Wednesday
sunset 9th March 2016. But some of us have chosen otherwise, ignoring Matthew 23:1-3 and Romans 3:1-2.
He IMAGINES, "...each farmer, knowing
where and when he planted the first crop after the Feast of Tabernacles checking that crop each day, looking for the first
sign of emerging heads and finding the most ripe stalk during the waning 12th moon; then choosing that stalk and bringing
it to the priest for approval to harvest in the next month..."
He concludes this his imagination
by saying, "...It was for this reason that the grain was allowed to be parched for the meal offering, to give every opportunity
to accept early Abib and allow a timely harvest of the crop. We should resist all of the artificial and non-scriptural delays
that have been built in by Jewish tradition and faulty reasoning."
He IMAGINES with NO certainty. For
example, he IMAGINES, which is NOT being certain, that each farmer finding one single most ripe stalk in his barley plantation,
would bring just that one single most ripe stalk to the priest for approval to harvest in the next month. Note his use of
the word stalk in the singular. Meaning, just one single lone stalk, all by itself.
Just that one single lone stalk of
barley that is most matured, would have been enough to confirm that field will be ready for harvesting the following month?
After all.
There's a field in Negev during this
past twelfth moon of February to March 2016, for example, that had in LONE stalks of barley (ONE stalk here, ONE stalk there,
ONE stalk over there) at the appearing of the Wednesday sunset 9th March 2016 visible new moon. All the rest of that big field,
as could have been seen in picture, was still in the flowering stage and what may have already just past that stage. How and
in what way could have this field been trusted to have at least arrive to the Abib stage by the middle of the moon towards
the ending of March 2016, two weeks later? Much less to have in sufficient ripe grain at least for the wave sheaf offering
and from which the people to have their food supply as a nation, after the priest waves that offering.
There must first be enough barley
at the maturing stage of Aviv per field in a sufficient amount of fields, in time for the appearing of that particular new
moon. It is only by this criteria it could have been ascertained that there'll be enough ripe barley in two plus
weeks later for the starting of the barley feeding to the populace ALWAYS from the day the wave sheaf was offered
and the count-start of the fifty days ushered-in during the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
The MINORITY of farmers, whose
fields of barley were NOT yet in the Abib stage at the time the new moon was sighted, had an equal
opportunity of bringing in their wave sheaf too for the offering from fields which turned Aviv matured not until at
the time of the wave sheaf offering two weeks after the sighting of the new moon, if this is the correct interpretation
of Leviticus 2:14.
The two occurences of the word "ears"
in Leviticus 2:14 is a translation from two completely different Hebrew words. The first occurence is the same Hebrew word
Abib (#24 in Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible) for "green ears" in the first instance of the word "ears", which
is the selfsame word translated as "ears" in Exodus 9:31 and was not translated six times in Exodus 13:4 (one time),
23:15 (one time), 34:18 (two times) and Deuteronomy 16:1 (two times). The use of this Hebrew word is in reference to the maturing
stage of only the barley which preceeds the two to three weeks of its complete ripeness at the karmel
stage for harvesting.
The next appearing of the word "ears"
in the same Leviticus 2:14 passage, is the Hebrew word karmel (#3759 in Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible) for
the words "full ears" as the translation.
This would of course be referring to when the barley is in its stage of
full maturity and ripeness, ready for the start of harvest by way of the wave sheaf offering. The whole community could
now consume from the crop ripened in a MAJORITY amount in a MAJORITY of fields, at least.
Two completely different Hebrew word
descriptions of the same barley crop referring to two completely different stages of maturing. The Abib (Aviv) stage,
followed by the karmel stage.
Since Aviv is an early stage
of sufficient ripeness that could already allow for a roasting of it for comsumption, the MINORITY of farmers whose
fields were not yet Aviv at the sighting of the new moon, could have as well, some two weeks after the sighting
of the new moon, bring in their sheaf of barley for the wave offering, just as the MAJORITY whose
farms were ALREADY ripe-ready for harvesting.
"And if you offer a meat offering
of your first-fruits to Yahweh, you shall offer for the meat offering of your first-fruits green ears (Aviv) of corn
dried by the fire, even corn beaten out of full ears (karmel)," Leviticus 2:14.
The word "even" appearing forward tilted
or italicized in the King James Version of the Bible, means that it was added in by the translators. Reading this verse without
the word "even", sounds out the verse to be saying that corn in both the Aviv and karmel stages of ripeness, used
for the wave offering, were both to be roasted. The karmel, full ripe stage looks to be a stage at
which it could be eaten straight from the head of barley without being roasted, if this is what our Savior's
disciples were doing in Mark 2:23 without it being roasted.
Two other ways in which the Hebrew
word karmel has been translated elsewhere in the King James Version of the Bible is, "fruitful field (place)" and
"plentiful (field)" besides being translated as "full ears" in Leviticus 2:14. This is the same Hebrew word karmel which
is translated as "full ears of corn" in 2 Kings 4:42.
A translation mishap appears to have
been the case on the part of the King James translators in Leviticus 23:14 where we see the words "green ears". This would
make it to appear that the word which comes into play in the Hebrew Bible passage of this verse is Abib (Aviv). This is not
so at all. It is the same Hebrew word karmel which is the word used as in the Hebrew Bible passage of Leviticus 2:14
for "full ears". The translation that should have been used in Leviticus 23:14, therefore, is "full ears" and not "green
ears" as, in this verse, there is what had to be parched (roasted by fire) which is the Aviv stage barley, and the
karmel (FULL ears) stage barley not seen to be associated with having to be parched (roasted by fire).
The grain brought in to the priest
for the wave sheaf offering was from plenty of fields in the MAJORITY that were FULLY fruitful as back in Exodus 9:31 in Egypt.
It was plenty of fields with no few
heads of Aviv barley available in the MAJORITY throughout those quite many fields at the time of the appearing of the new
moon THREE chapters later in Exodus 12:1-2. This is why there was enough ripe barley two weeks later from which the whole
community of Israel, historically said to be two plus million in population, could each family have had enough barley flour
to mix themselves the dough from which they baked unleavened cakes. This was all they had as food, on starting their exit journey from
Rameses.Having been hurried away by the Egyptians, there was no time to had prepare themselves a supply of any other type
of food, according to Exodus 12:33-34, 39:
"And the Egyptians were urgent upon
the people, that they might send them out of the land in haste; for they said, We be all dead men. And the people took their
dough before it was leavened, their kneading troughs being bound up in their clothes upon their shoulders. And they baked
unleavened cakes of the dough which they brought forth out of Egypt, for it was not leavened; because they were thrust out
of Egypt, and could not tarry, neither had they prepared themselves any victual."
It must be accepted that there will
come biblical years to which a thirteenth moon must be added to the regular twelve moon year, when the growth stage of the
barley in Israel towards the ending of the twelfth moon in early March, proves such is what must be done and cannot be avoided.
Thus, a biblical leap year of thirteen
lunar months as had to be the case with the march 2016 new moon. But was not accepted by some as moon number thirteen and
off went they with it as the first lunar month.
He (Elder Solomon Meyer) says
in his third point, "...I recognize that the scriptures do not plainly say 'look for barley' or 'this is what you shall seek.'
Rather, the Word of Yahweh is simply to Moses that 'this month is the first of months' (Exodus 12:2)...The only requirement
is that there be a sheaf of harvest-able grain to offer after the Sabbath, during the Feast of Unleavened Bread..."
I can't help but to say, knowing
of his immediate past Assemblies of Yahweh affiliation and what his father Elder Jacob O. Meyer (deceased) stood for
in this area of Bible truth, that I am completely shocked to see it is from him such a statement is coming. Much shocking
indeed as he seems not to understand just as his father understood and taught concerning Deuteronomy 16:1, that the command
in this verse of scripture refers first to the barley in a particular maturing growth stage, which is Abib and second,
to the moon that is seen becoming visible after a MAJORITY of the barley has ALREADY arrived to this growth stage of
maturity. This is just as Moses, through whom this command was given, had seen a MAJORITY of the barley in MOST fields had
ALREADY arrive to the maturing, early ripening stage of Aviv at the time he was shown the first new moon of the year
THREE chapters later in Exodus 12:1-2 together with his brother Aaron, DURING the Exodus 9:31 stage of the barley in the ear/head
While claiming to recognize and doing
so with Exodus 12:2 that the scriptures do not plainly say "look for barley" or "this is what you shall seek," assuming that
the only requirement is that there be a sheaf of harvest-able grain to offer after the Sabbath during the Feast of Unleavened
Bread, he left out making any reference to Exodus 9:31 on which he would have had to give an approximate
percentage amount of barley and fields that was ALREADY Aviv throughout Egypt at the time of the
hail. As well as, to give an approximate percentage amount of barley and fields that was ALREADY Aviv and existed throughout
Goshen not destroyed and in Moses and Aaron sight at the time of them looking at that Exodus 12:1-2 new moon that our
Creator was identifying to them.
Determining what amount of barley
that must ALREADY be at the stage of Aviv by the time of the sighting of the new moon, has to stem from determining what
percentage amount of barley in what percentage amount of fields that was ALREADY Aviv in Egypt at the time of the
hail and in Goshen that was exempted from the hail. It couldn't have been a wave sheaf amount to had worth highlighting
in scripture as barley in the ear/head. It would have been a description reflecting a younger stage in maturity as seen in
the case of the flax that was destroyed and the wheat and the rye that was not destroyed, which
too, were in a MAJORITY at the stage in which they were at the time of the hail.
All one has to do, is to reflect
back on Egypt and picture in his/her mind the population percentage of barley and fields that would have
had ALREADY arrive to the maturing stage of Aviv at the time of the hail and the sighting of the new moon not too long
after the hail. With this in mind, the scriptures that he and others are citing in support of only a wave sheaf amount of
barley is all that is required to have already arrive to the maturing stage of Aviv to declare the ushering-in of the new
moon start of the first month, would not have been so interpreted. Is this all an entire nation was going to be
fed on after the wave sheaf had been offered? Far from the percentage amount of barley per field and the percentage amount
of fields that was ALREADY in the ear (Aviv) in Exodus 9:31, 26 that was able of feeding millions from
karmel (full ears) stage barley with unleavened cakes TWO WEEKS AFTER Exodus 12:1-2.
This year 2016, in all of my twenty-eight
years of practically acknowledging the biblical calendar and the biblical annual observances as the purpose for its existence,
is my first time hearing of such a doctrine. This to me, is new doctrine as I've never yet heard of such.
I've always known and been taught
that a majority of the barley in as many fields must ALREADY have arrived to the maturing stage of Aviv even BEFORE the appearing
of the new moon which ushers-in the biblical first month. This is how I've known it to be in the sacred name movement
throughout the years that have ALWAYS been corresponding to the barley findings in Israel by the Karaite Jews there.
One such sacred name grouping of
the 1960s who was always accurate in their assessment of the barley in Israel and without ever expressing claim to
the Karaite Jews confirmation of Aviv barley as they did their own trips to Israel to examine the barley there for
themselves, is the Assemblies of Yahweh in Bethel, PA, USA during the lifetime of their founder, Bishop, Teaching and Directing
Elder Jacob O. Meyer (deceased).
Many of us in the sacred name
movement could have looked to his leadership especially in such of an important area of biblical truth and teaching that was
ALWAYS in harmony with the Exodus 9:31 available MAJORITY amount of barley that was ALREADY in the maturing, early ripening stage
of Aviv by the time of the Exodus 12:1-2 sighting of the first new moon of the year. We ALL were then ALWAYS on
the same timing with the Karaite Jews.
The first biblical leap year after
the death of Elder Jacob O. Meyer was with the March 2011 new moon as the thirteenth moon. That organization, however,
didn't declare that moon as such but as the first moon of the year. One could imagine how this move fell totally
out of sync with the rest in the sacred name movement continuing to walk with the strategic barley finding
technique of the late Elder Jacob O. Meyer which always corresponded with that of the Karaite Jews.
Elder Solomon Meyer who was there
and all part of this adversive move at that time in 2011, explains why in his Wednesday evening 9th March 2016 new moon evening
conference call and the trickery that was behind presenting a sheaf of dark green heads of wheat at that organization's
This was brought to my attention
by a sacred name Elder in the USVI via e-mail and I forwarded that information he sent me from their website over to Nehemia
Gordon, a Karaite Jew. Upon scrutinizing that website and what was posted there, Nehemia sent out an e-mail, cautioning those
of us on his mailing list, that, it is NOT barley but WHEAT we're seeing posted at that website.
I was so thankful for that eye opening
information, as I'd never yet seen even in picture, what non-ripe heads of wheat looked like before reaching to the stage
of yellowing ripeness. From there I learnt how much darker in color is green wheat than green barley, prior to arriving
to the stage of beginning to ripe with a yellowing color.
That organization was again out of
timing with the Karaite Jews and the rest of the sacred name movement in 2014, by having declared the March 2014 new moon
as the first month and not as an intercalary thirteenth month. This is three years between 2011 and 2014 on two
consecutive occasions they did not declare a thirteenth month when their deceased founder would have, if he was alive,
as he always did and was always on the same timing with the Karaite Jews. Was Elder Solomon Meyer still with that organization
in 2014 where he was born and bread in the sacred name truth that was taught there by his father?
It appears, from my knowledge, that
this was the only sacred name organization to had taken that path on those two consecutive occasions in
2011 and 2014.
Here we are now in 2016. For a third
consecutive time, it is no different with that organization which is now the immediately past worship affiliation
of Elder Solomon Meyer.
His trip to Israel to examine the
barley fields there for the sixth time, was this year March 2016 as a representative of his present Yahweh's Obedient
Servants Ministry ( affiliation and with not a different determination of the barley there from that of his immediate past Assemblies of Yahweh
affiliation, by way of the timing of them both for when is to them the first new moon of the biblical new year.
Could this be why he presents his
points in the way he did ahead of reporting on his journeys in Israel to examine the barley fields there? He ends his
third point in an effort, he says, to continue to challenge the conventional thinking. To do what? Notice:
"...What has happened however, is
that there have been added a number of man-made definitions, assertions, and stipulations over the years that seem to delay
confirming Abib. I continue to challenge the conventional thinking, in an effort to shy away from Jewish tradition, and seek
the hand of Yahweh in the process."
Is he now classing the manner in
which his deceased father Elder Jacob O. Meyer went about declaring the barley in Israel which always allowed
for the delaying of Abib for the intercalation of a thirteenth month when the barley maturing stage so dictates, that
was always in harmony with the Karaite Jews, as man-made definitions, assertions and stipulations?
Let us see in his fourth and last
point as to what is the Jewish tradition and who exactly he's seeking to have the conventional thinking, to shy away
"...For years, we have allowed the
Karaite Jews to set the narrative that only wild grains can be considered. As stated above, the logical arguments to why we
should accept certain characteristic varieties of agricultural grains leads us to examine all grain crops, not outright rejecting
agricultural grain because it is 'modern'. To this end, I believe I have conclusive evidence that the theories about 'wild-only'
are not valid..."
This belief he shows to be based
on past conversations with Israel Agriculture Ministry researchers from whom he says to "have learnt that they consider the
varieties commonly reckoned as 'wild grain' to be noxious weeds and not valid as grain crops..." "...Often," he says, "these
'wild' varietes are found to not have grain even at full maturity."
Yet we see no such confirmation coming
from him in his report of where he ever came across such sort of barley fields in Israel in the six years he've
been there up and down in those barley fields. He concludes of no such findings by his father in the years he has travelled
with him. It is interesting he's resorting to what he claims was discussed and learnt in conversations with Israel Agriculture
Ministry researchers and not sharing from his first hand experiences in his travels with his father to Israel to examine
the barley fields. This is because he and his father and others who travelled with his father has had no such experiences
but only came across healthy "wild" barley that was the sort of barley his father resorted to for verification of the
first month as do the Karaite Jews.
He did report on wild barley he came
across with, which he said he did for the sake of "those who do not agree with his premise." He indicated no such thing
concerning the wild barley he came across with and reported about, whether if it was noxious and will not have grain in full
Such being the case, then what
would have been the right thing for him to have done, during his search, was to have sought out for all of
the wild barley fields there, as best as he could have, to prove and verify the findings of Israel Agriculture
Ministry researchers as being so. A good opportunity it was to had done so while he was there in Israel to prove the Karaite
Jewish tradition for a wild barley as did his father for verifying the biblical first moon as indeed invalid and to be
shyed away from. He shouldn't, in my opinion, have gone to Israel this year 2016, in the first place, since, as he says and
claims to recognize, "that the scriptures do not plainly say to 'look for Barley' or 'this is what you shall seek'".
There was nothing therefore for him to had gone to look for or to seek for either in the line of barley. Muchless
to be laying claim against the Karaite Jewish tradition for the wild barley they recognize as ORGANIC from
by-gone ancient privately owned ORGANIC farms and seek for in majority amounts in a majority of fields in
determining the new moon start of the first month of the year. To have gone to Israel seeking for Aviv barley
and afterwards to make such a statement saying that the Bible does not plainly tell us to look for barley, is doing something
he does not see to be plainly commanded in the Bible and contradicting his ownself. For his knowing and the knowing of others,
this was a plain command in Exodus 12:1-2 as the season of the Aviv stage of the barley was still on, from Exodus 9:31 in
the eyes of Mosheh and his brother Aharon. Proof that this is exactly what was plainly commanded to both of these brothers
back then is how Moses almost forty years later relates this command to the next generation of Israel in Deuteronomy 16:1,
as he had understood it almost forty years earlier in Exodus 12. Simple to understand by those of us who are reaching
to the understanding stage of being able to make the connection between Exodus 9:25, 31, 26, 12:1-2 and Deuteronomy
16:1 in relation to the barley, the Aviv maturing stage at which the barley was in, back then, the approximate amount
that was at the Aviv maturing stage back then and the new moon that makes its appearing and naked eye seen
by two or more witnesses at that precise early ripening Aviv stage of the barley in massive amounts.
As to his preference for the agricultural
barley above the wild barley, we see that he didn't delve into giving a reason as to why those whose preference for wild barley
is so, which he rejects as Karaite Jewish tradition that are a number of man-made definitions, assertions and stipulations
that seems to delay confirming Abib.
It is a good thing that he used the
word SEEM, as this is just not the case at all by those Jews when it can clearly be understood that it was a nationwide amount
of barley ALREADY in the ear/head (Abib/Aviv) that was involved in the Exodus 9 hail storm that was rained down
upon Egypt in destruction of the agricultural and forest sector there, except in Goshen where the children of Israel were.
These Jews are simply following, as did his father Elder Jacob O. Meyer, with what they know to be barley that is NOT
domesticated by way of being modified to produce early and enhanced to grow early to actually meet the time of harvest. This
can often be the case with so much of barley planted in Israel today referred to as agricultural barley. Hence, the precaution
exercised by all those choosing wild barley, from ancient barley farms, above all other types of barley for precaution
sake, as ancient Israel depended solely on Yahweh's given rain from heaven for the ORGANIC growth and enhancing of their
various crops, NATURALLY. They did not even have to go about watering their farms in the promised land into which they were
brought and possessed, as they had to be doing back in Egypt (Deuteronomy 11:8-12). -APA
Routes 40
and 6
...we headed South along Rts. 40 and 6 to the Lahavim junction. After seeing many fields of agricultural
grain in full and developed heads along the way,
we took Rt. 31 and Rt.
358 towards Lahav to find specific examples of current crops.
From Lahav, we cut back towards the sea,
along Rts. 310 and 241. Pictured here is grain
typical of what we were finding in this Upper West area of the Negev. We found “wild” two-row barley that was late in dough stage and in significant volume
to easily say there would be plenty for wave-sheaf
offering of first fruit.
In the area of Bet Shemeth, and up into the Ayalon Valley, we found many more fields of agricultural barley in full and developed heads...
Areas west of Tel Megiddo, along Route 66 and side roads
we travelled north to Megiddo and the Jezreel
Valley where we again found many fields of well-developed
agricultural grain. In areas west of Tel Megiddo, along Rt. 66 and side roads, we saw additional “wild
two-row barley” (pictured) that was alsoin dough stage. This
was not universal, however, we found some wild grain that still had seeds with liquid (starchy
Routs 90, west edge of
Hula Valley the far north, found many fields of agricultural grain in well-developed heads.
Route 87 and side roads around Qatsrin
We checked areas of “wild” grain
along Rt. 87 and side roads around Qatsrin and
found similar to what we found further south,
though much of it was just out of flower stage, with fully exposed heads.
Out of Tiberias, to area
of Kibbutz Kinneret, ridge out of the Galilee basin, along Route 767
This morning we headed south out of Tiberias to the area of Kibbutz Kinneret. Here, on the ridge coming out of the Galilee basin along Rt. 767, we found many areas of “wild barley” which
was found to be in various stages from post-flower
to late milk/early dough
Near to Sharona
Near the town of Sharona, we found volunteer grain which was well-developed.
Upper Jezreel Valley, west of Nazareth, towards Haifa
All along the upper
Jezreel Valley west of Nazareth and over towards Haifa, we continued to see
many fields of very well-developed agricultural
grain. Along the sea coast we saw grain crops where the heads were fully ripe and beginning to bend down in maturity. It was
rare and difficult to
find agricultural barley in great area.
We do not even so
much as see on each of his findings of agricultural barley where he is identifying whether if its volunteer
agricultural grain or commercially planted agricultural grain. Besides, nowhere in his findings of barley fields
claiming to be in an advance stage of maturing he makes reference to the word Abib, in the same way we do not see this description
in any of Brian and Linda Convery's report.
Those three reports are just NOT at all like the report description of the Karaite Jewish group who tells
directly at what stage, whether if its Aviv or not. These Jews make sure of mentioning the word Abib or Aviv as it is what
we're to seek for, to verify the first moon of the biblical new year with the start of the spring weather climate in
the northern hemisphere.
While it is great to explain the different growth stages of the barley, the masses may not be able to and would
not understand what is being referred to especially when it comes to the dough stage. Because, the dough stage
is not just the dough stage. There are, as I'm learning, three stages in the dough stage and one of these three stages is
the Abib stage which none of those barley searchers from outside of Israel ever dared to clearly identify to their readers.
It is as if they do not have the slightest clue of the maturing stage of the barley they saw before their eyes,
to not have ever mentioned the word Abib in any of their reports.
There is the soft dough stage which is not yet Aviv. Advance stages are mentioned where it is beyond the soft, milky
dough stage, too soft to be able of roasting. Which one of the other two later stages in the dough stage is Aviv. We're
only told in an advance stage, brittle, hard, etc. There is the firm dough stage in which I've read it can be roasted
in this early ripening stage and, there is the hard dough stage with a bit more of maturing into the karmel (full ears) stage. Explaining
these things is something that should be embarked upon for the sake of those of us who are ignorant in these things.
So the Aviv stage is between either the firm or hard dough stage which I saw in an article entitled, "The Deuteronomy 16:9
Dilemma," at to be the firm dough stage. Did I correctly see in some other writing that the hard dough stage is where the stage of Aviv
is at? The karmel stage follows, at which it was harvested in the third lunar quarter of the first moon,
first for the wave sheaf offering.
It is not enough to give an advance dough stage or late dough stage description as what one most wants to hear is
whether there is Abib barley or not. What amount or percentage per field in how many fields that must NOT be just an
amount enough for the wave sheaf offering, worse yet in just one location that's in the Aviv stage is a critical criteria,
as one must reflect back on what the available quantity of Aviv barley was like back in Exodus 9:25, 31, 26.
Considering the various existence discrepancies and uncertainties that I've noted above throughout those
three barley reports issued by the barley searchers from outside of Israel, the better, correct and best decision
by those of us who so decided to not use there findings as on which to confirm Aviv barley, was to have acknowledge the
messianic Romans 3:1-2 conclusion of the Apostle Paul concerning the Jews and take heed to their findings and conclusion
on the barley in Israel with the March 2016 new moon as a thirteenth lunar month.
"What advantage then has the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcision? Much every way: chiefly, because that to them were
committed the oracles of Yahweh" (Romans 3:1-2).
Because why, our creating Savior commands in Matthew 23:1-3 concerning the Jews, to give heed to them as far
as their sitting in Moses' seat is concerned:
"Then spoke Yahshua to the multitude, and to His disciples, saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat:
All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not you after their works: for they say, and do
not" (Matthew 23:1-3).
Our Savior is therefore spoken proof of the Jews sitting in Moses' seat. Meaning, they have and teach the oracles of Yahweh
given to them that Paul speaks of, in spite of the numerous practices he witnessed among them over which he expressed
His disgust at them about. Therefore, observing the Passover and Feast of
Unleavened Bread during the intercalary moon number THIRTEEN of Wednesday sunset 9th March 2016 in the Americas or of
Thursday sunset 10th March 2016 in Israel, is no different from Cain bringing a Feast of Tabernacles related offering in place
of what was to have been a Passover offering that he was to have brought on Passover day as did his brother Abel.
Cain's demise from that day, had to do with the sort of offering he brought in the season that he brought it. It was not the
appointed season for that sort of offering that he brought and therefore, Yahweh couldn't have been pleased with Cain
as He was with the offering that Abel brought. Abel brought the offering that was in line with the respective season for
that offering while Cain did not and so, it was unacceptable to Yahweh to receive from Cain a Feast of Tabernacles offering
which belongs to the biblical seventh moon of the year in September/October and not to the appointed Passover date in
the March/April first moon of the year that was to have been an animal sacrifice that Abel brought.
It was on this very same Passover date timing in the first moon that our Creator Yahshua, then carrying His
father's name Yahweh, made two appearances to Abraham; in the evening in Genesis 17 and again in
the cool of the daylight part which look to had been in the afternoon in Genesis 18.
Then the entering of the angels into Sodom and Gomorrah from Yahshua's communing with Abraham face to face, was just after
that Passover day sunset-start of the Feast of Unleavened Bread in Genesis 19. This is why the cakes Lot baked as part of
the feast he made for the angels of Yahweh were unleavened unlike the bread that Abraham had made them under the oaks of Mamre
earlier in the afternoon is not being mentioned as being unleavened. Passover day on the fourteenth day of the first
moon, is NOT a day of unleavened bread, except just the bread used in observance of Yahweh's Passover that is
to be unleavenend.
Just as Abraham's experience with Yahshua on that Passover day was both in the evening and daylight (a twenty-four-hour day
in the Bible is from sunset to sunset with the evening/nighttime coming before the morning/daylight), so too was Lot's
experience with the angels of Yahweh from the first of the seven evenings of the Feast of Unleavened Bread right up to
the first of the seven mornings of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. It was on this same first morning of this biblical
seven-day feast that Sodom and Gomorrah was totally anihilated with fire and brimstone in the month of Abib.
This was exactly the same first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread on which ancient Israel had begun their freedom journey
from Egypt that Lot was lead out of Sodom and Gomorrah, representing deliverance and being lead out from the environs and
lifestyle of the world and its babylonish, sinful habits that keeping this feast represents us putting out from our lives.
It was and perhaps still confusing in the minds of quite many this year 2016 as to what is going on by barley searchers
from outside of Israel claiming there's sufficient Aviv barley at least for what was the wave sheaf and therefore
the March 2016 new moon is the scriptural first month, while the Karaite Jews on the ground in Israel where they reside, on
the other hand, are confirming that this is not the case at all, as there's not enough Aviv barley to had declare
the March 2016 new moon as the first month and so, it is a thirteenth moon.
As He had promise Abraham on that Passover evening in Genesis 17, Yahweh did indeed return the next year at exactly the same
Genesis 17 Passover timing to Abraham in Genesis 21 and Isaac is born on a Passover evening. Eight evenings later on the last
evening of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, is time to circumcise Isaac, now being eight nights old. But something happened
during the feast that followed the circumcising of Isaac that night which resulted in Hagar the Egyptian woman and her
son Ishmael (Abraham's firstborn) having to be put out and sent away from Abraham's home the next and final morning of the
Feast of Unleavened Bread.
This request of his wife Sarah to put her out, brought him much grief for the sake of Ishmael his firstborn. Yahweh on
His last evening of the Feast of Unleavened Bread visit to Abraham, agreed with Sarah that her servant Hagar must go.
Yahweh urged on Abraham to comply and not let this be grievous in his sight.
The mocking of Ishmael that evening, which can be considered was a leavened disturbance to Sarah, was evident that
Egypt, leaven, sin was present in the home of this called out Hebrew family of Yahweh during the Feast of Unleavened
Bread that was to be thrown out at this stage in Ishmael's life, eight evenings after baby Isaac's birth.
Off goes the Egyptian woman Hagar and her son Ishmael the next and final morning of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, on
which selfsame morning, Bible scholars are of the view that Pharaoh and his Egyptian army were all overthrown and drowned
in the sea of reeds in the presence of the children of Israel.
Most important in the observance of Yahweh's marked out annual mo'edim (appointed times) is doing so at the precise time he
has designated that we do so, which in return, is deliverance for us from a bondage life of sin leading to eternal death in
the lake of fire and brimstone. Doing so at the wrong time, like Cain, yields nothing else than him ending up into becoming
the first murderer in human history, rather to have repented at Yahweh's advice. What a life it was for him ever since after
that murder he committed. This was all as a result of not keeping to Yahweh's appointed timing with the sacrifice
that was in keeping with that appointed time. He instead brought as his sacrifice, a Feast of
Tabernacles offering belonging to the seventh moon in September/October which had nothing to do with the required Passover
day offering belonging to the first moon in March/April.
So too is keeping Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread in the wrong month just as Jeroboam leading the ten tribes of
Israel in the north to celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles in the eighth moon in October/November which has today ended up
into the modern day USA's timing of a November Thanksgiving instead of in the seventh moon during the Feast of Tabernacles
in September/October.
Snow is still being experienced in a number of areas in the northern hemisphere. I've also learnt of hail and snowflakes being
experienced in my next door neighboring French Caribbean island of Guadeloupe, a non-winter country in the southern hemisphere.
Winter chilling winds and long periods of coldness is reported still being experienced in the winter country of Israel.
I or any of those with whom I've been worshipping for the past twenty-eight years observing Yahweh's commanded annual observances,
can't for one moment recall ever experiencing rain during Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread we've celebrated in keeping
with the Aviv barley timing of the Karaite Jews. Much less the kind and level of down pour of rain we saw and experienced repeatedly
for a number of days during 24th to 30th March when some decided is the correct timing in observance of the Feast
of Unleavened Bread this year 2016.
The weather conditions are very much an usual phenomenon to ever see happening during when the Feast of Unleavened Bread is
being celebrated in the right moon, which makes its first appearing when there is a MAJORITY of barley in the
early maturing stage of Aviv in Israel, just as it was in Egypt between Exodus 9 and 12.
The signs are so quite evident and convincing that we are indeed still in the weather climate of winter with an extra moon
at that, as winter chilling winds are continuing to be experienced nighttime even in my non-winter Caribbean country
of Dominica.
IF it was in the biblical last moon of the year that the plague of turning the rivers and every other water catchment
throughout Egypt into blood had taken place for the first time in the history of that nation, it is interesting the moon during
which was seen just recently in the news of satellite pictures showing a discovery of the same river and other water catchments
in the same Egypt appearing to be in blood.
The date on which the European Space Agency published the photos of this satellite discovery, says, was last week Friday 1st April 2016, which was during this same moon of Wednesday sunset 9th March
2016 that to some is the biblical first moon. That said date of the publishing of the photos of this satellite
discovery, was in fact, the twenty-third day of this moon in the Americas and the twenty-second day of this
moon in Israel.
Yahweh's bloodying the river and every other water catchment in Egypt thousands of years ago was certainly
NOT in the first moon of His calendar year and furthermore, this was only the first of the numerous plagues with which He
engaged that nation, making it to had been impossible for this to have occurred anywhere that close to the first moon. The
first new moon arrived not until after the ninth plague of hail mixed with thunder and fire.
Isn't this just one more and a greater yet sign and evidence in the basket, from our Creator, that the
new moon of Wednesday sunset 9th March 2016 some have acknowledged as being the first moon, is indeed
an intercalary thirteenth moon?
This can only be but further yet prove that the amount of barley the first visible new moon of the biblical
new year must meet ALREADY in the ear/head early stage of Aviv maturing, in Israel, has to be in the MAJORITY
per field in a MAJORITY of fields, which can be the understood logic from Exodus 9:25, 31, 26, 12:1-2 and Deuteronomy
16:1 the Karaite Jews are adhering to (Matthew 23:1-3; Romans 3:1-2).
NOT an amount just sufficient for what was then the wave sheaf offering we're seeing being prescribed
by Brian Convery, his wife Linda and Elder Solomon Meyer in their March 2016 barley report. -APA
GORDON (facebook, Israel) REPORT
Jordan Valley,
9th March
The barley was not
Aviv in the Jordan Valley, despite some lone stalks of Aviv.
Judean Desert
and northern Negev, 10th March
After scouring the
Land of Israel for Aviv Barley, the Aviv Search Team has concluded beyond any doubt that the time of the Aviv has not yet
arrived. We found individual stalks of Aviv barley in the Judean Desert and northern Negev. However, we did not find any fields
with substantial quantities of Aviv Barley.
More and more people
around the world are becoming interested in understanding the significance of the biblical clock and calendar!
For the past two days I have been visiting barley fields throughout Israel with expert aviv searchers Nehemia Gordon,
Devorah Gordon, Yoel HaLevi and others, and now the OFFICIAL AVIV REPORT is here! The barley in the land
of Israel is NOT aviv which means that this is a leap year! Passover will be celebrated in late April.
Visit Nehemia's Facebook page for more pictures and information on the search.
What did you think I would do, wait for a report rather than going to see for myself? Whenever possible, our
faithful BFA International community will get the most accurate information about [Elohim]’s time, on
Even though it took quite a bit of extra effort, this year I decided that I would
take a page out of former president Ronald Reagan’s playbook.
Shalom All Y'all,
With the Aviv Search now over, last night I finally got my first
good night of sleep in a week! The intensity of the Aviv Search had me going on adrenalin, coffee and prayers. This year's
Aviv Search has been a true cliffhanger. This morning I prayed about it and read over the "other" Aviv reports that are making
their way around the internet. It was clear to me that we looked through the very fields where some have claimed to find
Aviv. We even shared some of this process as we were doing it in the podcast Proclaiming a Hebrew Leap Year of Faith. I can understand how someone who already decided it was turning into a New Year before his very eyes
based on the vineyards, goat utters, and other factors (or is that utter factors?) could climb up one of the hills in that
area and be convinced that he is looking at fields of Aviv Barley. On Tuesday March 8 we spent at least 1.5 hours driving
through the back roads of those fields with the aid of a new (and very costly) GPS app that provides near-military grade maps,
basically the highest you can get without being on an active IDF combat mission. As much as I was expecting to find Aviv,
especially based on the exterior appearance of the barley, it just wasn't Aviv yet. We returned to the same area on Thursday
March 10, just to give the barley the maximum amount of time to turn Aviv before entering into a new Hebrew month. And it
still was not Aviv.
Reading over the "other" reports has removed all doubts I could have possibly
had. I didn't really have doubts to begin with, but you know how Ha-Satan works, going to and fro in the Earth, planting his
seeds which turn into doubt. Through prayer and study and quite literally fear and trembling in the presence of [Yahweh],
that seed has now been uprooted and cast out for me. I was in those very same fields and know for certain that it is not Aviv.
Yet my heart truly aches for those who weren't with us who may have genuine doubts. Please join me in praying that they too
are led to work this out for themselves in fear and trembling with prayer and study before our heavenly Father. When the Temple
is rebuilt the High Priest will figure all this stuff out for us. Until then we need to do the best we can with what we have
available to us, asking our heavenly Father always to guide us. In the past few years I have been taught humility and come
to daily pray:
Trust in [Yahweh] with all your heart, and do not lean on your own
understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear [Yahweh]
and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your body and refreshment to your bones. Proverbs 3:5-8
When I say I was quite literally in fear and trembling, that is because I consider
the Aviv Search to be an awesome and truly frightening responsibility. It is a responsibility I never asked for and never
wanted. I was out looking at Aviv fields in the early 1990s when it was just me and a handful of Karaite Jews. And nobody
knew or cared what we were doing. Now there are a half-dozen different groups out there looking for barley every year,
some with different understandings of the term "Aviv." Many are also being guided by what I believe to be non-Torah considerations
such as the equinox, wheat, blooming flowers, and even migrating birds! I will never forget one man who spent years working
out the calendar with the help of a very complex calculation that he created. When he learned about the Aviv Barley he was
so excited, because he was sure it would confirm his life's work. He ended up coming on two or three Aviv Searches and then
set out on his own. One year I was in our beloved "Pomelo Field" just south of Beth Shean. He proclaimed that he found Aviv
in that very field. An hour after, we had examined it and found that it was not Aviv. But he already knew it was Aviv from
his calculations and that is what he saw in the field. This has become a familiar story. In some ways it is very frustrating.
In other ways, I look at it as a blessing that so many of [Elohim]'s people are yearning to rediscover His truth.
In my recent audio study Aviv Barley and the Spirit of Constantine, I quoted the 9th century quasi-Karaite Mishawayh al Ukbari, who famously said:
“All money is a convenience, so cleave to the counterfeit money in
Mishawayh's point in the 9th century was that there were several different
competing calendars, which was just leading to disunity and confusion. From his perspective, without the Temple, any calendar
is just a remembrance of what [Elohim] commanded, so why not use the easiest one. By which, of course, he meant the Hillel
II calendar used by most Jews. There was a time when I would have mocked and judged Mishawayh and his followers, but then [Elohim]
humbled me. Today, I say that every one of us needs to work this out through prayer and study in fear and trembling. If that
process leads you to follow Hillel II and Mishawayh, then that is between you and the Creator of the universe.
Yesterday morning before Keith left for the airport we were sitting in my living
room in Jerusalem discussing Mishawayh and his ancient coin parable. I told Keith that I don't believe the Feasts of [Yahweh]
are just a convenience or that all calendars are counterfeit. There are true appointed times that [Yahweh] has
hard-wired into Creation. We just need to figure out what they are by going out and doing what the ancient Israelites did:
looking for the new moon and the Aviv Barley in the Land of Israel.
Now, this year, something unusual happened that got me thinking about Mishawayh
in a whole new light and this is what I was sharing with Keith as he prepared to leave for the airport. The night before,
we were standing around in a Jerusalem park, perched on a hillside, looking for the new moon. An Orthodox Jewish couple walked
by and were curious why we were staring at the horizon with cameras set up on tripods. They followed the direction that our
cameras were pointed and got very excited when they saw the new moon. The man told us that for years his wife had said how
wonderful it would be to see the new moon on Rosh Chodesh-the beginning of the Hebrew month. He meant the day that rabbinical
Jews observe Rosh Chodesh. This Orthodox Jewish man explained that they never saw the new moon on Rosh Chodesh, and now finally
after years of hoping and praying there it was hanging low in the sky over the Israel Museum. What really moved me about this
Orthodox Jewish couple is that they were as authentic as can be in their genuine desire to walk in fellowship with the Creator
of the universe.
So back to Mishawayh and his counterfeit coin analogy. A few years ago I started
researching gold coins. This was when the word on the street was that the US dollar was about to collapse and we all needed
to take every last dime and buy physical gold and silver. Back then I learned about the Gold Panda, a coin produced by the
government of China. These troy ounces of gold were in high demand, but there was a major problem. On a hunch, one collector sawed open his Gold Pandas and found out some were counterfeit! On the outside they were made of gold, but on the inside he found a cheap
metal. What all came together for me as Keith was fixing to leave for the airport, was that our desire to know the true times
of the Biblical feasts was like sitting there with a pile of Gold Pandas with the knowledge that some are fake. For years
we have been spending all this immense effort to determine which Gold Pandas are real and which are counterfeit. Often this
results in intense debates and arguments. In some groups and communities it causes pain and division. What encountering the
Orthodox Jewish man and his wife made me realize is that, determining which Gold Pandas are real and which are not, should
never be an end in itself. The purpose is so that we can use those Gold Pandas to buy bread when the US dollar collapses.
Similarly, the purpose of the Aviv Search, New Moon Sightings, and observance of the Appointed Times of [Yahweh] is not
an end in itself. The purpose is to attain that spiritual bread and walk out our covenant relationship with [Yahweh]
the best we can. If that leads to conflict with others who are genuinely trying their best to walk with our heavenly Father,
then we need to push aside our pile of Gold Pandas and get back to praying for humility in dealing with our neighbors and
the sojourners in our gates.
My prayer is that the Appointed Times of [Yahweh] will not be a source
of doubt and division, but a healing to the souls of those who want to walk in fellowship with Avinu SheBashamayim. I pray
that [Yahweh] grant me the wisdom to trust in Him with all my heart, to not lean on my own understanding, to acknowledge
Him in all my ways, so that He may make my paths straight!
Nehemia Gordon
Jerusalem, Israel
It should NOT be so
hard therefore, for those who've deemed is the Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread they've observed on 23rd (after
previous sunset) as Passover day and 24th-30th March during this intercalary thirteenth moon as the first moon,
to make the necessary corrections before it is too late, to salvage the doubting situation a number of them are right now
left to be facing in the spiritual dead cold of winter.
This is
the most appropriate thing for them to do, considering the errors, inconsistencies and flaws in the three
barley reports of concern, weather patterns experienced and biblical facts I've cited AS I SEE IT, as
well as the moon timing of the few days ago newscast satellite discovery of the river Nile seen blood looking,
all proving the March 2016 visible new moon is indeed an intercalary thirteenth and the last moon of the
biblical year and NOT the Abib first month.
Most of the barley in Israel will ALREADY be in the Aviv early ripening stage and the weather becomes warmer with
the ushering-in of Spring (but still experiencing some nighttime chilling especially when rain falls) by the time the
Friday sunset 8th April 2016 new moon of Abib becomes naked eye visible to all local regions around the world.
This sets the Passover evening memorial service for the lunar thirteenth day sunset with Thursday
sunset 21st, followed by the seven days Feast of Unleavened Bread from the lunar fourteenth day sunset with Friday sunset
22nd, all the way through to Friday sunset 29th April 2016.
We are expected to exit all physical leaven (baking powder, yeast, etc.) from our houses and more so, spiritual leaven
(Egypt, sin, lawlessness, false doctrines, etc.) from our lives, just as Hagar the Egyptian woman and her son Ishmael had
to be put out and sent away from Abraham and Sarah's Hebraic home during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, on the last day. Just
as Lot and his household were commanded to run out from Sodom and Gomorrah and those cities where they lived were destroyed during
the Feast of Unleavened Bread, on the first day. This is the same Feast of Unleavened Bread during which the children
of Israel began their freedom journey from Egypt, on the first day, with unleavened cakes. So too are we New Testament
"Your glorying is not good. Know you not that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? Purge out therefore the old lump, that
you may be a new lump, as you are unleavened. For even ha'Mashiach our passover is sacrificed for us: Therefore let us keep
the feast [of unleavened bread], not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice of wickedness; but with the unleavened
bread of sincerity and truth" (1 Corinthians 5:6-8).
Have I truly helped in providing some clearance of all doubt and confusion?
Augustus Paul Andrew
25 Emergency Housing Scheme
Balisier Lane, Bath Estate, Roseau
Commonwealth of Dominica
SMS/text/call: (767) 245-8369/316-1525
Posted Friday afternoon 8th
April 2016