He who've entered Yah's Kingdom
Is an Israelite
Having overcomed ALL temptations
Having put on the robe of righteousness
Unto him it will have been said
"Come ye faithful into the joy
That has been prepared for you
From the foundation of the world"
"Come ye faithful into the joy
That has been prepared for you
From the foundation of the world"
Faithfulness is an integrity
That can bring one so very far
Especially in the things of eternal life
The narrow way to Yah's kingdom
Seems to be so unpopular
Yet the Israelite is the one
Who have practised faithfulness
In this staunt and unfaithful world
Yet the Israelite is the one
Who have practised faithfulness
In this staunt and unfaithful world
Joy! Joy! Joy! A NEVER ending Joy
Will come to those who have
NEVER cease to wrestle
With the willingness and the integrity
Jacob NEVER ceased to wrestle
So the Israelite is the one
Who have left the wrestling ring
With the crown of eternal life
So the Israelite is the one
Who have left the wrestling ring
With the crown of eternal life