Greetings each and everyone of you in our Savior Yahshua!
It is another 29 days that has come and gone since our last new moon communication.
From here in Roseau, Dominica is another reporting much similar to that of the last
new moon 29 days ago in that the new moon to begin the Bible 3rd month Sivan was not seen this evening Thursday 17/05/07.
Clouds increased just as the sun was set but cleared away from the area that the new moon should have been seen
on three occasions and the new moon was still not seen.
My search for the new moon began from sunset at 6:28pm and ended at 7:29pm.
I'm happy however to share the following new moon confirmation for this evening which was communicated
to me via e-mail from the area in the Middle East which our Savior Yahshua Himself referred
to as "the city of the great King."
Yowm (day) Chodesh (new moon) Sameach (happy) Aleichem (to you) = Happy New Moon Day To You,
Augustus Paul
Roseau, Dominica
(767) 245-8369
Jerusalem, Israel
New Moon Report
May 2007
Third Biblical Month
On Thursday May 17, 2007 the New Moon was sighted from Israel.
The moon
was first sighted by Magdi Shamuel at 19:51 from Ashdod. The moon was
also sighted at around 19:54 by Gila
Sergani and several minutes later
by Isaac Sergani from Arad.
Rosh Chodesh Sameach!
Happy New Moon Day!
Jerusalem, Israel