Why so few of us know anything at all of the fact that there is a calendar which
has been legislated from the heavens to humankind?
Ignorant of this fact, Genesis 1:14 is not even understood by many professing practicing believers in the Bible as
being the first instituting of the calendar even before mankind was created. This Bible verse of Scripture reads in the King
James Version, “And Elohim said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night;
and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.”
To find out what lights is being referred to in this verse of Scripture; we must read a few more verses of that
same chapter that immediately follows that verse dealing with the same subject. The four verses immediately following verse
14 reads in the King James Version:
15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.
16 And Elohim made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night:
He made the stars also.
17 And Elohim set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,
18 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and Elohim saw that it
was good.
Looking at verse 16, the lights spoken about in verse 14 would have to be the two great lights which give light
directly upon the earth; the sun which brings an end to darkness at the end of every twelve hours of darkness, and, the moon
which is seen in the strength of all its glory only after that the sun in twelve hours time is descended below the western
horizon and the evening, darkness or nighttime sets in.
Of significant interest in verse 14 is where our Creator’s given reason in this Bible verse of Scripture for
establishing these two magnificent lights in the heaven is not only “to divide the day from the night...”
In addition to that, He commands, “...and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days,
and years.”
What are especially this signs and seasons these two great lights in the heaven must be allowed to determine
besides “to divide the day from the night”?
Since the Bible, as it is today in our hands, is an English translation from the original language in which it was
being communicated from heaven to mankind, it may well worth it to look into the meaning of the words used in that original
language of the Bible for signs and seasons, and probably even the words for days and years too
as well, if that were to become necessary. These would be the key words to better understanding the more meaningful purpose
for the greater light we see above our heads in the day and the lesser light we see above our heads at nights, since, “to
divide the day from the night...,” is not all that these two great lights are there to do.
The word signs, in the plural form, appear a total of thirty times in the Old
The first appearing of this plural word in the Bible is at this same Genesis 1:14 as one of the roles our Creator created
these two great lights to play.
The word that our Creator used in the language He spoke this word is ’owth. This word is #226 in the Hebrew
and Chaldee Dictionary section of Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible where the meaning given, is, “...a
signal (lit. or fig.), as a flag, beacon, monument, omen, prodigy, evidence, etc.:- mark, miracle, (en-) sign, token.”
So the meaning or sense of the plural word signs and what our Creator is simply saying is that the sun and the
moon are to be for “...a signal (lit. or fig.), as a flag, beacon, monument, omen, prodigy, evidence, etc.:-
mark, miracle, (en-) sign, token.”
These two great lights in the heaven are to be for “a signal, as a flag, beacon, monument, omen, prodigy,
The words Flag, beacon, monument, omen, prodigy, evidence, as defined by
the Collins Gem English Dictionary, altogether means banner,
inscription, indicate, distinguishing mark of, commemorate, celebrate, keep in memory by ceremony, written record, lasting
reminder, prophetic object or happening, thing causing wonder, indication, ground for belief, testimony.
The next word is seasons for which, the word that our Creator spoke that word in the language He spoke it back
in Genesis 1:14 is, mow’ed/mo’ed/mow’adah, #4150.
Deriving from the word at #3259, the meaning is “…prop. an appointment, i.e. a fixed time
or season; spec. a festival; conventionally a year; by implication, an assembly (as convened for a definite
purpose); technically the congregation; by extension, the place of meeting; also a signal (as appointed
beforehand):- appointed (sign, time), (place of, solemn) assembly, congregation, (set, solemn) feast, (appointed, due) season,
solemn (-ity), synagogue, (set) time (appointed).”
The word at #3259 from which the word mow’ed/mo’ed/mow’adah #4150 is derived, is the primitive
root word ya’ad meaning “to fix upon (by agreement or appointment); by impl. to meet (at
a stated time), to summon (to trial), to direct (in a certain quarter or position), to engage (for marriage):-
agree, (make an) appoint (-ment, a time), assemble (selves), betroth, gather (selves, together), meet (together), set (a time).”
Two other notable places in the Bible Old Testament writings where the word seasons is again translated from
this same Hebrew word mow’ed/mo’ed/mow’adah #4150, are:
- Leviticus 23:4 (KJVER)—“These
are the feasts of Yahweh, even holy convocations, which you shall proclaim in their seasons” (mow’ed/mo’ed/mow’adah,
- Psalm 104:19
(KJVER)—“He appointed the moon for seasons (mow’ed/mo’ed/mow’adah, #4150):
the sun knows its going down.”
Psalm 104:19 reads in the Good News Bible, “You created the moon
to mark the months; the sun knows the time to set.”
The translators of The Living Bible interpret Psalm 104:19 in this way: “He assigned the moon to mark
the months and the sun to mark the days.”
The word our Creator spoke for days in Genesis 1:14 is yowm #3117 “from an unused root mean.
to be hot; a day (as the warm hours), whether lit. (from sunrise to sunset, or from one sunset to the next),
or fig. (a space of time defined by an associated term)…”
Each 24-hour day at creation in Genesis 1 comprised of one evening and one morning with the evening coming before the
morning or the 24-hour day beginning with the evening, from sunset.
- “...And
the evening (night, sunset to sunrise) and the morning (daylight, sunrise to sunset) were the first [24-hour]
day” (verse 5).
- “...And
the evening (night, sunset to sunrise) and the morning (daylight, sunrise to sunset) were the second [24-hour]
day” (verse 8).
- “And
the evening (night, sunset to sunrise) and the morning (daylight, sunrise to sunset) were the third [24-hour]
day” (verse 13).
- “And
the evening (night, sunset to sunrise) and the morning (daylight, sunrise to sunset) were the fourth [24-hour]
day” (verse 19).
- “And
the evening (night, sunset to sunrise) and the morning (daylight, sunrise to sunset) were the fifth [24-hour]
day” (verse 23).
- “...And
the evening (night, sunset to sunrise) and the morning (daylight, sunrise to sunset) were the sixth [24-hour]
day” (verse 31).
The evening, which is nighttime, begins with the setting of the sun, while the morning, referring to the sunlight part
of the 24-hour day, ends with the setting of the sun.
Determining that His annual Sabbath Day of Atonement, for example, be observed for a 24-hour day period, notice from when our Creator commands
that the observing of this annual 24-hour Sabbath day of Fasting is to begin and is to end in Leviticus 23:32 (KJVER):
“It shall be to you a sabbath of rest, and you shall afflict your souls: in the ninth day of the month at
evening (sunset), FROM evening (sunset) TO evening (sunset), shall you celebrate your sabbath.”
This is to be on the tenth day of the seventh month (verse 27) beginning from the evening (sunset) of the ninth day
and ending with the evening (sunset) of the tenth day.
Then finally of our Creator’s given reasons in Genesis 1:14 for creating these two great lights in the heaven
is to establish the years.
The word He used for the plural word years in the language He spoke is shaneh/shanah, #8141. It means
“a year (as a revolution of time):- + whole age, x long, + old, year (x –ly)” deriving from
the primitive root word shanah #8138 meaning “to fold, i.e. duplicate (lit. or fig.); by impl.
to transmute (trans. or intrans.):- do (speak, strike) again, alter, double, (be given to) change, disguise, (be) diverse,
pervert, prefer, repeat, return, do the second time.”
Unlike the various manmade calendars in use in this world today, it can be quite of an enlightening moment upon coming
to understand that the prime reason for the existence of the Sun is for the purpose of determining when the 24-hour day begins
and ends and that the prime reason for the existence of the Moon is for the purpose of determining the beginning of each calendar
month in observance of His mandated weekly, monthly and annual celebrations.
That these two great lights still exists to date is evidence that our Creator is still determining to mankind the
signs, seasons, days and years for which they have been created is the one and only calendar order of events that He has
established by which only the special times that He has appointed that we direct worship to Him can be determined.
Any other calendar order of worship is contrary to this Bible-based calendar order of worship that our Creator has
put in place to the saving of our soul from His wrath against the disobedient.
Our Creator had commanded Moses and Aaron while they and their fellow Israelites were yet in Egypt saying, “This month shall be to
you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you” (Exodus 12:2).
The word our Creator uttered for the word month in the singular form is exactly the same word He uttered for
the plural form months in the language that he spoke to Moses and Aaron.
Upon investigating and looking up what that word is that our Creator uttered, it would probably come as a shock upon
coming to learn what the word month or months means in Scripture. The word that our Creator used, which is
chodesh #2320, actually means, “the new moon; by impl. a month:- month (-ly), new moon.”
It is derived from the primitive root word chadash #2318 which means “to be new; caus. to rebuild:-
renew, repair.”
In fact, Chodesh #2320 is on numerous occasions directly translated new moon in the Old Testament which
is the same word as well translated monthly, appearing once in the Old Testament.
What Yahweh was simply doing in Exodus 12:2 is showing Moses and Aaron what new moon we are to recognize as
being the first new moon of the year. This new moon shall be the first new moon of the year to us, He
told them. But with which of the new moons were they to have begin the year?
It is at the appearing of each new moon every 29 or 30 days that a new month begins according to the
This is from the sunset just after which the new moon makes its appearing to our naked eyes that our Creator
has determined that a new month begins.
“And (on new moon days, or,) in the beginnings of your months (moons, new moons)
you shall offer a burnt offering to Yahweh...this is the burned offering of every month (moon, new moon) throughout
the months (moons, new moons) of the year” (Numbers 28:11, 15).
The Apostle Paul instructed the believing Gentiles/NON-Jews in Colosse that the annual celebrations/festivals/observances
(Genesis 1:14; Exodus 12; Leviticus 23; Numbers 28-29; Deuteronomy 16:1-17; Psalm 104:19; Isaiah 66:23), the month-beginning
new moons (Numbers 28:11-15; Isaiah 66:23) and the weekly Sabbath (Exodus 20:8-11; Isaiah 66:23; Hebrews 4:9-10) ARE all a
SHADOW of things to come as reflected in the meaning of the word signs discussed above.
“Let no man therefore judge (decide for) you [the body of Yahshua the Messiah] in meat, or in
drink, or in respect of a holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath: which ARE a SHADOW of things to come; but (except)
the body of Messiah” [who only is in such a position to judge or decide in such matters], Colossians 2:16-17.
The meaning of the Hebrew word mow’ed/mo’ed/mow’adah #4150 translated seasons tells
us that Yahweh is saying in Genesis 1:14 that His creation of the sun and moon is for the purpose of signaling
seasons or appointed times by which mankind is to be guided in worship to Him on a weekly, monthly and annual basis.
This is the purpose directly for which our Creator has established his calendar by way of these two great magnificent
lights up in the heaven.
Constantly, on a daily basis, we are being reminded as we see the sun sets that one 24-hour day has ended and a new
one has begun. So when the sixth day of the week has arrived and it ends at sunset, the seventh day which is the Sabbath,
begins and runs until the next sunset during which 24-hour time period, the Scripture is clear on what our Creator expects
of us from each sunset of the sixth day, today called Friday, to each sunset of the seventh and last day of the week, today
called Saturday.
That it was in the time of early Spring as Winter ended that Yahweh spoke with Moses and Aaron in Egypt showing them the visible new moon with which
He desires we begin the year can be certain to had been no other new moon than that one and only new moon which just so happens
to be always making its appearing precisely at the time the corn/grain of the barley in the Middle East is “in the ear” (Ex. 9:31; 12:1-2) when
it is in the maturing stage, exactly two weeks prior to being ready for harvesting.
Understanding that this time and season clearly is when our Creator commands we begin the year, with the new moon becoming
visible in the early of Spring directly at the time the corn/grain of the barley is in the ABIB (GREEN EAR) stage, Moses almost
forty years after their exodus from Egypt clearly rehearses to the Israelites exactly as he and his brother Aaron was being
taught in Exodus 12 two weeks before they were being delivered from Egypt:
“Observe (look, watch for) the month (moon, new moon) of (during, at the time there is)
Abib (green ears of maturing barley corn/grain), and keep the passover to Yahweh your Elohim; for in
(during) the month (moon) of (coinciding with the) Abib (green ears of barley corn) Yahweh your Elohim
brought you forth out of Egypt
by night” (Deuteronomy 16:1).
The time Moses says in Deuteronomy 16:1 they were being delivered from Egypt implies that from Exodus chapter 9 (see
especially verses 25, 31 & 26) to chapter 12 was in the early of Spring at the time the barley was already grown at the
end of winter at which time the corn/grain of that crop was maturing in the ABIB (young, tender, GREEN EAR).
Exodus 9:
25 And the hail smote throughout all the land of Egypt all that was in the field, both man and beast; and the hail smote every herb of the
field, and broke every tree of the field.
31 And the flax and the barley was smitten: for the barley was in the ear and the flax was bolled
26 Only in the land of Goshen , where the children of Israel were, was there no hail.
The Hebrew word translated ear in Exodus 9:31 is the same word Abib that proceeded from the mouth of
Moses in Deuteronomy 16:1 as being the time of the first month of the year. Strong’s says
concerning this word at #24 that it derives “from an unused root (mean. to be tender); green, i.e.
a young ear of grain…green ears of corn.”
As the only place in Egypt
where the hail had not struck, all the grown barley stalks in the Goshen area were standing and in tack. The corn/grain of the barley was already formed
and in full bloom. But what is called the ear, as the corn/grain progresses to maturity, was GREEN. This is about two
weeks before the barley corn/grain is sufficiently matured, ripe and ready for harvesting.
The two plagues that were to follow the hail rather went by quite quickly.
The plagues running concurrently from chapter 9 through chapter 11, including the hail, appear to have been administered
against Egypt during
the same week or within a seven-day period. The week of the last plague mentioned in chapter 11 probably had not yet ended
and here comes the shining of the new moon in chapter 12.
Remember as we saw earlier on that for both the words month and months in verse 2 is the same Hebrew
word chodesh #2320 that our Creator uses, meaning moon, new moon.
At that time that that new moon became visible, the barley was the most advanced to maturity and nearest to being ready
in two weeks time for harvesting.
Two weeks later after the appearing of this first new moon of the Bible year which always becomes visible during the
Abib (GREEN EAR) stage of the maturing barley corn/grain is the beginning of the seven(7)-day Feast of Unleavened Bread Yahweh
commands must begin from the 15th day (Exodus 12:15-20; 13:3-10; 23:14-17; 34:18; Leviticus 23:6-8; Numbers 28:17-25;
Deuteronomy 16:3-4, 8, 10-12, 16-17), exactly half way of this first moon in the earliest time of Spring, referred to as the
time of life by our Creator Himself (Genesis 18:10, 14).
It is during this feast, as this first moon goes into its third phase or quarter that a wave sheaf from the barley
now ripe and ready for harvesting had to be offered as first fruits to Yahweh before anyone could have harvested from it for
consumption and commercial livelihood (Lev. 23:9-14).
The barley was the only crop that was at that advance stage when Moses and Aaron were being instructed in Exodus 12:1-2
as to the moon with which they were to begin the year.
The flax had not as yet begun to bear. It was at the time only in the budding stage (Exodus 9:31), just beginning to
bear or shoot out its leaves. So what better way was there available to Moses and Aaron at the time to mark which moon that
they are to begin each year with, than to await the availability of the barley ABIB (green ears of corn/grain) as Winter ends
and Spring begins, year after year?
This is Yahweh’s choice of crop, the first corn/grain bearing crop in the Middle East as winter ends and Spring begins, to signal to us
the moon with which to set His year and calendar of events in the order that He has emanated it to us, His created human race.
With an understanding of especially what the words signs and seasons in Genesis 1:14 means, one is in
a better position to understand the greater reason behind the existence of the sun and the moon through which even understanding
the greater truths in the Holy Bible can be attained in understanding that there is a calendar in the Bible and why our Creator
has instructed it to mankind.
Augustus Paul
25 Emergency Housing
Balisier Lane, Bath
Estate, Roseau
Commonwealth of
Windward Islands,
West Indies
(767) 316-1525/245-8369