Greetings to each and everyone!
I trust each and everyone of you here in Dominica and out there receiving this mailing are doing fine.
This mailing, for some of you, is the first from me to you and on this weekly Sabbath evening when the
new moon beginning the Bible 4th month expectedly will become visible after the sunset-end of the lunar 29th day. Some
new moons become visible after the sunset-end of the lunar 30th day.
I'm just from looking/searching for the new moon this Friday (Sabbath) evening 15th June 2007 from 6:38pm when the
sun set until 7:19pm (-4 GMT) and there was no appearing of the first lighting of the moon
after this past sunset-end of the lunar 29th day.
The height above the horizon at which the new moon most often becomes visible to us here in Dominica was
sufficiently clear.
Please notify whether or not you've seen the new moon from your area so your reporting could be posted
online for the information/benefit of others.
If the new moon however is seen this evening and confirmed, the Bible 4th month begins with this Saturday (Sabbath) 16th
June 2007, New Moon Day!
A Joyous Sabbath Day (and new moon day, if new moon is seen this evening) On 16/06/07 (from this evening
15/06/07) To All,
Augustus Paul
25 Emergency Housing Scheme
Balisier Lane, Bath Estate, Roseau
Commonwealth of Dominica
Windward Islands, West Indies
(767) 245-8369
Friday (Sabbath) evening 15th June 2007
4th New Moon UPDATE
The new moon beginning the Bible 4th month was seen last evening 15th June 2007 by 5 people in Arizona, 6 people in California
and 2 people in Kentucky according to Bro. Rich Lobert's website:
YAIY's new moon website,, reports: "4th New Moon has been confirmed (15 June): *Although not reported to this site, reliable witnesses reported
seeing the 4th new moon in Kentucky and Arizona."
The Bible 4th month therefore began with Sabbath 16th June 2007, New Moon Day. (I'm sounding in the past tense here because
the Sabbath and 4th new moon day has already come to an end here about an hour and a half ago at sunset.)
The next new moon beginning the Bible 5th month is presently carded to become visible after the sunset-end of the
lunar 29th day of this 4th moon on Saturday evening 15th July 2007, after Sabbath sunset.
One new moon website predicts for the carded 15th July 2007 new moon that it will be possible to see it from
almost around the whole world except for New Zealand, Northern Europe and Northern Asia.
Our best ascertainty of predicted new moon sightings is to literally "look for each new moon" with our
own eyes for ourselves. Do join with me and others around the world in doing just that come Saturday (Sabbath) sunset
15th July 2007, next month.
Pleasant new week to all,
Augustus Paul
Roseau, Dominica
(767) 245-8369
Saturday evening 16th June 2007