Greetings to each and everyone of you who take interest in the new moon from a Biblical point of view.
I must also say thanks to even those of you on this mailing who are not a part of my religious belief but yet keep allowing
in this sort of mailing. Thank you indeed for your continued growing interest and desire for spiritual things including
the Bible-commanded method of beginning each calendar month which is by way of the appearing of each new moon.
Again we are at the beginning of a new month on the Bible calendar as of this evening Sunday 15th July 2007.
I saw the new moon beginning the Bible 5th month this Sunday evening 15th July 2007 from 7:14pm to
7:15pm as it disappeared so quickly because of the intensity of the overcast sky conditions. Today, for the most
part of this morning, had been raining and exactly as I thought would have happened, that the sky would have been overcast
for this evening and is exactly what I saw happened. It looked as if I would have not been able of sighting
yet another new moon for the third consecutive time this year
However, it just so happened that I was watching the right place at the right time to had been in time to
see the new moon this evening as soon as it appeared in between a small clear area in between the clouds but was quickly
hidden again by the coulds. Cloudiness this 5th new moon evening is indeed intense.
I can by no means end this my new moon reporting to you without extending a word of thanks to Sis. Thomas,
wife of Elder Thomas, who allowed me the use of their computer in their home this evening to fascilitate me this new
moon reporting to you as all public surf cafes are closed on a Sunday evening. As I heard was being said in my hearing by
a certain individual recently, it is not really the receiver of the gift that has received the greater blessing, but
it is the giver of that gift as the Bible says, "it is more blessed to give than to receive". So the greater blessing
really is not mines but is to Sis. Thomas and her household.
The new moon having become visible to us this evening, the Bible fifth month therefore begins with this
week Monday 16th July 2007 from this Sunday evening 15th July 2007.
On what date next month do we begin our search for the new moon beginning the Bible 6th month Elul?
Yom Chodesh Sameach Aleichem,
Augustus Paul
Roseau, Dominica
(767) 245-8369
Sunday evening 15th July 2007
Tiberius, Israel
On Sunday July 15, 2007 the New Moon was sighted from Israel. The moon
was first sighted by Magdi Shamuel at 19:57
from Bet Ezra (near
Ashdod) and by Neria Haroeh at 20:11 from Masliah (near Ramla).
Rosh Hodesh Sameach!
New Moon!
Nehemia Gordon
Reporting from Tiberius, Israel