Greetings each and everyone. I can't stay long as usual with a lengthy report. I saw the new moon this Tuesday evening
14th August 2007 at 6:35pm, 5 minutes after sunset. The sky was 100 percent clear and the new moon was easily visible.
Happy Sixth New Moon Day To All,
Augustus Paul
Roseau, Dominica
(767) 245-8369
Jerusalem, Israel
Karaite Korner Newsletter #304
New Moon Report
August 2007
Sixth Biblical Month
On Tuesday August
14, 2007 the New Moon was sighted from Israel. The
moon was first sighted from Jerusalem at 19:36 by Nehemia Gordon,
followed a few seconds later by Devorah Gordon, Avi Marcus, Dina
Marcus, and Johann Schutte, then a minute later from
the same
location by David Linvill and Ziw Arieli. The moon was also sighted
from Ranen by Magdi Shamuel at 19:35
and from another part of
Jerusalem by Neria Haroeh at 19:36.
Rosh Hodesh Sameach!
Happy New Moon!
Jerusalem, Israel
Johannesburg, South Africa
Greetings Dear Brethren in Yahshua the Messiah,
Just a short note to say that there was a perfect sighting of the New Moon 6;pm this evening,
in a clear winter sky over the city of Johannesburg, South Africa. Reports have come in from other reagions of the country
confirming the sighting.
Yahweh's blessings,
Lionel & Sandra Gets.