Sabbath and New Moon greetings to each and everyone of you.
I trust each and everyone of you in the business of observing the Bible commanded 7-day Feast of Tabernacles indeed
had a grand time in our Creator's worship and presence as we here on this island of Dominica did. For your knowing,
our planned location come next year 2008 for the Feast of Tabernacles is the island of Trinidad, IF Yahweh so allows.
But to ascertain the correct time for all of Yahweh's set annual feasts/celebrations come next year and the years to
come, is to keep looking for each new moon, beginning His year with the new moon always making its appearing precisely "at
the time of life" (Genesis 18:10,14) when the green ears of the maturing barley corn/grain becomes available in
the Middle East, specifically in Israel (Isaiah 2:3; Micah 4:2) early spring each March/April.
In continuing with this heavenly mission, it is time to once again appear on your computer or cellular/mobile phone
screen with yet another new moon reporting.
Last evening Thursday 11th after the lunar 29th day, I made a search for the new moon but there was some clouds but not
very cloudy with sufficient cloud hindrance which hindered me from seeing the western sky in its entirety.
So I returned this evening to make a search and the height at which I saw the new moon (9 minutes after sunset) this
evening at 5:56pm (-4 GMT) on an entirely clear sky easily convinced me that the new moon was no where in sight
last evening.
The height at which it became visible this evening Friday (Sabbath evening) 12th October 2007, upon close observation, enabled
me of easily arriving at the conclusion that it was not seen in Israel this evening. This is
because the new moon does be a bit higher than the height at which it became visible this evening when it becomes visible
both in Israel and here in the Americas on the same evening.
Enough of me on your screen in your presence before you get fed up and weary of too much of my talking.
I suspect I may have talked too much this eighth new moon evening or, have I really?
Shalom and have a pleasant weekly sabbath and monthly new moon day of praise, worship and rejoicing this
weekly Sabbath 13th October 2007 in Yahshua.
Augustus Paul
Roseau, Dominica
(767) 245-8369