Please take note everyone that Bro. Mathias Francis (Elder Joseph Francis' son) and I have sighted the Sabbath
Feast of Trumpets new moon beginning the Bible lunar 7th month Ethanim this
Tuesday evening 30th September 2008 at 6:12pm
ECT, in 17 minutes after sunset. Inspite that there was some thin clouds straight in between us and the new moon, we were
able of sighting it at that time, dim as it appeared to us.
Bro. Mathias Francis who was standing with me at the mouth of the Queen's river which
runs through the capital city of Roseau from where we sighted the new moon this evening was first to had sighted
it and pointed it out to me. Also having sighted the new moon this evening is Sis. Maria Francis followed by her
husband, Elder Joseph Francis.
Happy Feast of Trumpets to all, hoping you can access the privilege of finding yourself a place of
worship this Wednesday 1st October 2008 in observance of the above said Bible annual Sabbath
Feast. Please read Leviticus 23 in your Bible for any further information required.
This feast day runs from this evening sunset until tomorrow Wednesday sunset 1st October
2008 as a Bible 24-hour day is from sunset to sunset.
Welcome to worship with us Yahweh's Assembly in Yahshua (YAIY), opposite Operation Youth Quake, near
the Dominica Community High School (DCHS), close to Louisville in Roseau in observance of the above said annual Sabbath feast
at 10:30am this Wednesday
morning 1st October 2008 here on the island of Dominica.
Happy Bible annual Sabbath Feast of Trumpets new moon day to ALL!
Augustus Paul
Roseau, Dominica, West Indies
(767) 245-8369/316-1525
Tuesday evening 30th September 2008
Tamil Nadu, India
I arrived in a place to look for the New Moon before sun
set and I'm still there but the new moon is invisible here. I stood there till 7.05pm.
The sky is clear and the stars are visible clearly. Probably tomorrow I can see the new moon.
A. S. Kumar
Tamil Nadu, India
Tuesday evening 30th September 2008 (Indian time)