5th New Moon Not Seen After Lunar 29th Day
Greetings to each and all yet once more for this week.
This time is to inform you that I began my search for the new moon of the Bible fifth month from today as soon as the lunar 29th day ended
with Wednesday 18:39 sunset 22nd July 2009 and continued searching up until
when I ended my search at 19:15 but did not see the new moon anywhere on the south side
to where the sun set. Above where the sun set as well as to the north side was partially overcast.
Looking forward therefore to a confirmation from anyone who may have sighted it this
Wednesday evening 22nd July 2009.
We'll sure continue our new moon search tomorrow Thursday 23rd from sunset if there has not
been a sighting and reported confirmation from anywhere for this Wednesday evening 22nd.
A successful new moon search to all,
Augustus Paul
Commonwealth of DOMINICA
West Indies
(767) 245-8369/316-1525
Wednesday evening 22nd July 2009
5th New Moon Seen After Lunar 30th Day
Dear friends,
Finding no confirmations at
www.NewMoonReport.org and
www.PaleoTimes.org that the
new moon was spotted from anywhere last
evening Wednesday 22nd, I have but to confirm and report that the moon I saw this evening
Thursday 23rd July 2009 at 18:36 in two
minutes before the sun had time set at
18:38 is the new moon which was extremely high up in the sky as a second night moon. It
was tilting to the south and was located to the south side of the sunset's location. Sky was clear enough to had seen it.
The only thing is that, it was extremely high, which appears to be the height of a second night moon here in the West.
Shalom and Yahweh bless,
Augustus Paul
Roseau, Dominica
Thursday evening 23rd July 2009