As soon as the barley in the Middle East begins to grow, it is a sign that
the spell of winter will soon be to an end on the northern side of the equator. This was a sign in ancient Israel and still
is in modern Israel that the current year is about to come to a close and that a new year will soon be ushering in. The barley
beginning to grow early enough during the last month (moon) of the year as winter draws to a close, the corn/grain in Israel
(Isaiah 2:3; Micah 4:2) is already in the maturing stage while that the very “ear” (“abib” in the
Hebrew original language of the Bible) itself is still “green” (“abib”) at the time of the appearing
of the new moon crescent
that always becomes visible to our naked eyes at that time. This is rather a deliberate occurrence at the ushering in of each
spring, just after winter, for a new moon crescent to always becoming visible
precisely at the time that the barley corn/grain is already maturing in the “abib” (“green ear”).
The ear of the maturing barley corn/grain is and must still be green at the time of the appearing of that visible new moon
crescent. Sooner that the barley begins to grow, it is an alarm that as soon as the corn/grain is maturing in the green ear
and the new moon crescent becomes visible within that time period of the barley that, the last month (moon) of the current
year is to a close and that the first month (moon) of a new year is to a start. That new moon, we are
told in the Bible at Exodus 12:2 shall be to us the starting point of the first month
(moon) of the year. We are told even clearer yet at Deuteronomy 16:1 that, it is during the moon at the time of Abib (green
ears of maturing barley corn/grain) that Israel was being delivered from the
land of Egypt, and in which selfsame moon and timing of the barley that we are to commemorate the Passover. We are told at
Exodus 12, Leviticus 23 and Numbers 28 that the Passover observance is to be commemorated in the evening of the 14th
day (after sunset of the 13th day), immediately followed by the celebration of the 7-day Feast of Unleavened Bread
from the 15th to the 21st day of the first month (moon). The first month (moon), according to Deuteronomy
16:1, is the month (moon) of Abib (green ears of maturing barley corn/grain),
occurring during the Gregorian-Roman calendar month of March/April. If mid-March this year 2010, at the time the Bible 12th
month (moon) will be coming to a close, is when the barley corn/grain will be arriving to the abib (green ear) maturing stage
throughout the fields in Israel to make the upcoming new moon crescent (carded to become visible at Tuesday sunset/evening
16th March 2010!) the beginning point of the first month (moon) of the year on the Bible
calendar, then the 14th day of the Bible first month of Abib Passover evening memorial observance of our Savior’s
Passover death (a timing in the year erroneously referred to as Easter) will be commemorated on Monday
evening 29th March just after sunset, while the 15th to the 21st day of the
Bible first month (moon) of Abib 7-day Feast of Unleavened Bread, immediately following the day of
Passover, will be celebrated from Tuesday sunset 30th March to Monday sunset 6th
April 2010. "Observe the month of Abib, and keep the passover to Yahweh your
Elohim..." (Deuteronomy 16:1). “...For even [the] Messiah our Passover
is sacrificed for us: Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven
of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity
and truth” (1 Corinthians 5:7-8), with:
Yahweh’s New Covenant Assembly, Savanne Park, Roseau, Dominica
(767) 448-8143/615-6379 * *
Weekly worship service: Saturday 10:30am
Questions and/or comments on the above presentation may be addressed
directly to the author:
Augustus Paul, 25 Emergency Housing Scheme, Balisier Lane, Bath Estate, Roseau,
(767) 245-8369/316-1525 * *