Please find my mobile phone pictures of both those observances attached. I trust the amount attached
are sufficient and sufficiently reflects our observance of both these occasions here in Dominica. Only that, you might find
the pics of our observance of the Feast of Unleavened Bread are way fewer and insufficient compare to the amount of pics that
I photographed on our observance of Passover available and attached with this mailing.
Twenty-five (25) of
us (ten brothers and fifteen sisters) who have been immersed in our Savior's saving name Yahshua partook of the Passover emblems
of His body and blood on Monday evening 29th March 2010 after the sunset-beginning of the 14th day of the Bible first month
(moon) Abib.
An evening worship service was held on each night of the seven days of the Feast of Unleavened
Bread, beginning with Tuesday evening 30th March and ending with Monday evening 5th April 2010.
worship services during the seven days of unleavened bread feasting were on Wednesday 31st March in observance of the annual Sabbath first day of the feast, Saturday 3rd April in observance of the regular weekly seventh day Sabbath and Tuesday 6th April 2010 in observance of the annual Sabbath seventh/last day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
The first day of the week that
occurs during the Feast of Unleavened Bread had always been a special time in the lives of ancient Israel who lived under
the old covenant. According to Leviticus 23, it was not until the arrival of that first day of the week during this feast
that ancient Israel could have begin to harvest from their barley crop for their livelihood not until after they had brought
a sheaf of their barley crop to the priest to be waved on their behalf to our Creator Yahweh on that same first day of the
week during this feast. Their first harvesting of the new barley crop at each spring, in other words,
was to have been for an offering to Yahweh before they could have done any harvesting for their own consumption and livelihood.
Included in this first day of the week occasion during the Feast of Unleavened Bread was the same day with which the fifty
days count had to be started to observe the Sabbath Feast of Weeks/Harvest/First Fruits on the fiftieth day which, when it
had arrived, on a first day of the week, the disciples were all in one accord in one place in observance of this annual Sabbath fiftieth day.
"And you shall count to you from the morrow after the [weekly]
sabbath, from the [first]
day [of the week]
that you brought the sheaf of the [barley]
wave offering [during the feast of
unleavened bread]
, seven [weekly]
sabbaths shall be complete: Even to the morrow after the seventh [weekly]
sabbath shall you number fifty days; and you shall offer a new meat offering [of the wheat
crop harvest]
to Yahweh. And you shall proclaim on the selfsame [fiftieth]
day, that it may be a holy convocation (worship service gathering)
you: you shall do no servile work therein: it shall be a statute for ever in all your dwellings throughout your generations"
Was it in an effort to hide this fact from the reader why the premier translators of the Bible into the
English language left the word
Pentecost (meaning
count fifty,
fifty, fiftieth day from the Greek word pentekoste) untranslated than to had translate Acts 2:1 thus, "And when the
fiftieth day was
fully come, they were all with one accord in one place," lest the English reader, cross referencing this translation with
where this same fiftieth day is commanded in Leviticus 23, would have observed that this Sabbath fiftieth day feast commanded
in the
Old Testament is still binding down even into this new covenant era and was not abolished at all through
our Savior's death since that the disciples were still observing it even after our Savior is being ascended back into heaven?
As we continued our nightly services during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, after Sabbath sunset 3rd April was no exception,
especially that it was the evening when the wave sheaf was to have been offered anciently. It is understood that this
was the timing on the first day of the week during the Feast of Unleavened Bread for the Old Testament wave sheaf
offering beginning the count to Pentecost during which self same timing of the first day of the week during the 7-day Feast of
Unleavened Bread that our Savior's first and wave sheaf ascension to heaven occurred after being resurrected.
He could not have allowed anyone to touch or hold on to Him until after that first ascension and wave sheaf presentation of
Himself to His
Father in Heaven.
Upon returning back to earth
from that mission was only when He could have permitted Himself to being touched and handled later that same first day of
the week on which a sheaf of the barley was had to be waved by the priest to Yahweh before His death and resurrection.
Yahshua being that perfect wave sheaf now in place, we ensured that this occasion was highlighted throughout that particular
evening service during the feast as is our custom, as did the Apostle Paul with the disciples in Acts 20, marking the beginning
of the fifty days count to the Bible commanded annual Pentecost (fiftieth day) Sabbath Feast of Weeks/Harvest/First Fruits,
there from.
Before arriving to this annual Sabbath fiftieth day celebration, there is one more new moon that
we must have to observe and it is the new moon marking the beginning of the Bible third month (moon) during which the said
Sabbath fiftieth day will this year 2010 be arrived at and celebrated
on Sunday 23rd May the
lunar ninth
day here in the North America region.
That one more new moon that we must have to observe before the arrival
of the said
annual Sabbath fiftieth day becomes visible this Friday (Sabbath) evening 14th May 2010
throughout U.S.A. and Central America, north of here in the Caribbean and most of Canada at ease if sky is clear according
to but could not have seen whether if it did become visible to us here in Dominica after searching for it from sunset 18:27 till 19:00 all due to cloudy sky conditions.
The dating of
Sunday 23rd May, incidentally, happens correctly to be the date indicated
on the Gregorian-Roman calendar this year 2010 for the celebration of this our Creator's commanded annual Sabbath Pentecost
(fiftieth day) occasion to all mankind.
All are invited to join with us this
weekly seventh day Sabbath 15th May 2010 in praise and worship in observance of as well the new-moon-first-day
of this Bible third month (moon) Sivan, AND, on Pentecost (fiftieth day)
Sunday 23rd May 2010 in observance of the Bible commanded
annual Sabbath Feast of Weeks/Harvest/First Fruits,
at: Yahweh's New
Covenant Assembly, Savanne Park, Roseau, Dominica. Fellowship meal, following the morning
worship service, on both these dates, will therefore be in a boufet style.
A spirit filled weekly Sabbath and new-moon-first-day
of the Bible third month when the
Holy Spirit was poured out on the
day of Pentecost
to all,
Augustus Paul
Roseau, Dominica
(767) 245-8369/316-1525