The visible new moon marking the beginning of the Bible 7th month Ethanim and the New Moon Day annual Sabbath
Feast of Trumpets was seen by Bro. Mathias Francis and I from Roseau, Commonwealth of DOMINICA at 18:53 Thursday
evening 09/09/10, making Friday 10/09/2010 the Bible new-moon-1st-day of the 7th month Ethanim and the New Moon
Day annual Sabbath Feast of Trumpets.
Who else sighted this past new moon on the above said date can be found confirmed
at various other sacred name new moon websites including *,,, etc. The 10th day of this moon on Sunday 19/09/2010 is the annual Sabbath Day of Atonement Fast
(no eating and drinking). The 15th to the 21st day from Friday 24/09/10 (an annual Sabbath day) to
Thursday 30/09/2010 is the Feast of Tabernacles, for 7 days. The 22nd day on Friday
01/10/10 (an annual Sabbath day) is what in the Old Testament called, The Eighth Day, and in the New Testament, the
Last Great Day. Come join with us (Yahweh's Assembly in
Yahshua (YAIY) at St. Aimee's Guest House, EmlsHall, Roseau, Dominica from Thursday sunset 23/09/10 until Saturday
sunset 02/10/10 in observance of our Creator's commanded holy observances to mankind.
Observe and enjoy our Creator's commanded weekly Saturday-Sabbath and annual Sabbaths and feasts/festivals in obedience
to Him and be saved into His eternal kingdom soon to be established upon this earth under the rulership of His Son our Savior
Yahshua for a period of no less than 1,000 years!