I have sighted the eighth(8th) new moon Bul on Sunday evening 26th October 2003 at 6:21pm ECT from the capitol
city of Roseau here on the island of Dominica in the Eastern Caribbean.
But one thing though. It is the first time that I'm seeing a star right next to the new moon if you did observe that.
I've just heard one non-Bible activist making that same comment a few minutes ago just before submitting this report.
The new moon was low and lingerred quite some time next to the star. As this individual said, he's accustom of seeing the
new moon below the star and not next to the star. It's the first time for me seeing it that way, the new moon right next
to the star and see how close they were next to each other.
Do surely ALWAYS keep looking out for the new moons and keeping me updated on your new moon sightings.
The ninth(9th) new moon marking the beginning of the ninth(9th) month is carded for Monday evening 24th November 2003.
Shalom and best wishes,
Augustus Paul