moon greetings from the "isle of beauty, isle of splendor, isle to all so sweet and
fair" (National Anthem), named by Christopher Columbus as Dominica. An island situated in between the
Caribbean French islands of Guadeloupe
to the north and Martinique
to the south.
As was expected, so long the clouds made way for a clear enough sighting of the first appearing of the
moon, I was able of sighting it this Wednesday evening 5th January 2011 in 24 minutes
after sunset at 18:13, at which time, it was already past 37 hours of age.
My search
for and sighting of the new moon this evening followed my attending the funeral service and witnessing the burial of a well
recognized local pioneer of the Sacred Name Movement here.
Thanks be to Yahweh I was allowed leave from work for the afternoon
to attend the funeral service and witness the burial of deceased Elder Joseph Liverpool who was better known to many as Skull.
His Sacred Name work throughout the length and breath of this island spanned from 1972 until his death this past month of
December 2010. It was good to see Elder Jones Dennis with whom he started the Sacred Name work
along with two sisters back then is back well enough and was able to attend the funeral service and witness the burial of
his fellow pioneer of the Sacred Name Movement here. They both did not see their Church
of God 7th Day faith and their position as Elders there as something too difficult to part with when the truth of the
Sacred Name crossed their path. Elder Joseph Liverpool continued serving in the Master's
vineyard with Qahal Yahweh from 1981 after he and the brethren whom he lead for about eight years opted for a merger with
that body, now the largest Sacred Name Movement on island with gatherings not only at their home town in the north of the
capital, but as well in the north of the island and in the east of the capital. I remember as
a child that he Elder Joseph Liverpool and my deceased father Hilary Paul would have Bible-based discussions and reasoning
whenever they met, based on the message my father would at the time have written on a black board he use to walk through the
streets of the capital with. As many members of my fellowship who were able to attend, were present
with Elder Joseph Francis being one of the three Elders chosen to had present
a scripture reading each. His was from the book of Job 19 as the last reader.
Our condolences once again to the family,
relatives and friends of Sacred Name pioneer and Elder Joseph Liverpool in the face of which, Yahweh's new moon this evening
is still a time of new moon happiness before our Creator Yahweh the Elohim of the living and of the dead.
Happy new
moon day to each and all,
Augustus Paul Roseau, Dominica (767)