New moon evening greetings to everyone of you on this mailing.
According to imagery prediction, the new moon should be visible this Thursday evening 02nd June 2011 to the middle parts of the American continent including throughout
here in the Eastern Caribbean.
But from 18:32 when I saw the
sun set and started my new moon search until 19:11 when I ended my search this evening, low clouds over the horizon totally
hindered me throughout my search from being able to see whether if the new moon was there or not.
It would have
been possible to have sighted it this evening, as its age at sunset was some 25 hours and 30 minutes, based on's
imagery prediction. It young age this time around sure tells that it would not have been seen to be as high as the one of
last month.
I'll sure be expecting that I'll meet your new moon confirmation in my inbox on
my return to a surf cafe new moon daylight tomorrow Friday 03rd June 2011, if Yahweh permits.
Shalom and Yahweh bless,
Augustus Paul
Roseau, Dominica
(767) 245-8369/316-1525