New moon day greetings to each and everyone.
It gives me great pleasure to not only share with you this link to the photo album of my last born 16 year old son and his school's 2011 graduation that took place this past Friday
1st July but most of all concerning last evening's new moon that I was, for a third consecutive new moon, not able of sighting
throughout my 18:40(sunset)-19:05 search for it following the sunset-end of the lunar 30th day this past evening Saturday
2nd July 2011. This was all due to, from scattered clouds to an overcast western sky, totally blinding me from being able
to sight the some 37+ hours old new moon.
My search for it, as you might have observed, I
kept up, unusually, for only 25 minutes, as I had to quickly rush off to see if I would be in time for what was intended to
be a short new moon service. All was long done by the time I arrived back to the assembly grounds at 19:19. Quite of a short,
indeed, extra mini service observance of last evening's new moon. Almost all brethren had even already departed to their homes
by the time I arrived.
May this Sunday 3rd July 2011 new-moon-first-day of the Bible 4th month be a renewing in righteous
character building for each and everyone of us.
Happy 4th new moon day, shalom and Yahweh bless,
Augustus Paul
of Dominica
(767) 245-8369/316-1525