Not Visible on Monday evening/sunset 29th August 2011 being 19+ (under 20) hours
Just making a stop by to see what you might have on the new moon becoming visible this week.
Any confirmation yet for this evening Monday 29th August 2011?
From the conjunction at 23:04 ECT (-4 GMT/UT) last evening Sunday 28th to sunset over
an hour ago today Monday 29th, the age of the lunar new lighting will have been only 19+ hours of age, a shortage of at least
one to three hours to be able of being seen from the North America Region including my native Commonwealth of Dominica part
of the Eastern Caribbean.
A next 24 hours must then be allowed to elapse, which will allow for a worldwide sighting from
this week Tuesday sunset 30th August 2011 of a new moon aged 43+ hours.
This week Wednesday 31st August 2011 will correctly therefore
be the new-moon-first-day of the Bible lunar SIXTH month Elul (Nehemiah 6:15) which some will ERRONEOUSLY be observing as
the Sabbath day Feast of Trumpets new-moon-first-day of the Bible seventh month Ethanim (1 Kings 8:2).
Beginning the Bible lunar new year CORRECTLY with the April 2011 sighted new moon at the time
there was a late incoming of the maturing/ripening green ears of barley corn/grain in Israel, the Wednesday sunset 28th September
2011 expected new moon sighting therefore becomes the right timing for the beginning of the Bible lunar seventh month in observance
of the Sabbath Feast of Trumpets new-moon-first-day of the Bible lunar seventh month on Thursday 29th September 2011.
On the lunar tenth day of the same Bible lunar seventh month Ethanim is the Sabbath Day of Atonement
Fast (NO eating and drinking) from Friday sunset 7th to Saturday (the weekly Sabbath day) sunset 8th October
Five days later from the lunar 15th day of the same Bible lunar seventh month begins the Feast
of Tabernacles for seven days from Wednesday sunset 12th to Wednesday sunset 19th, ending with an EIGHTH DAY Sabbath celebration
(Leviticus 23) of the LAST GREAT DAY (John 7) from Wednesday sunset 19th to Thursday sunset 20th October 2011. is another online avenue that has been created for the liking of anyone who may so wish to share, discuss and reason out
whatever topic of interest that's moon related including and most of all sharing new moon reports.
A successful new
moon search and reporting to everyone!
Shalom and Yahweh bless,
Augustus Paul
Roseau, Dominica
(767) 245-8369/316-1525
My stopping by this evening Tuesday 30th August
2011, unlike last evening, is to this time inform you of my eye catching of the new moon this evening was from 18:14 (5 minutes
before sunset) until 19:02 (43 minutes after sunset) when I left off looking at it to submit this confirmation report.
Pretty much of a bright, fair weather with no clouds hindering the sighting of those of
us here who saw it and are probably still looking at it as I write.
A call came in from the Deacon in my fellowship at 18:50 confirming that he sighted it
without any hindrance at all. The wife of one of the Elders in my fellowship along with her son and sister, were not too far
from where I sighted it and saw it too for themselves.
In all so far as I'm aware, I can confirm five of us in my fellowship saw the new-moon-beginning
of the Bible sixth month Elul this evening Tuesday 30th August 2011.
Praises and thanks to Yahweh my reporting can be accompanied with pictorial reporting
as well for the first time in my history of new moon reporting made possible by a local sister living overseas. May Yahweh
bless her tremendously. Please watch and enjoy with thanks and praise to Yahweh at my first attempt at this. Pic #5 I find
to be the best of them all and might interest you the most.
Happy new moon day to all,
Augustus Paul
Roseau, Dominica