The last new moon in August 2011 having
become visible from Tuesday sunset 30th, Wednesday 31st was CORRECTLY the new-moon-first-day of the Bible lunar
SIXTH month Elul (Nehemiah 6:15).
The beginning of the Bible lunar new year occurring one month later this year with the April 2011 sighted new moon was because
the barley Abib/Aviv (green ears of corn/grain) was one month late in arriving to the maturing/ripening stage in Israel (Isaiah
2:3; Micah 4:2). This therefore makes the upcoming Wednesday sunset 28th September 2011 expected new moon sighting
to be the right timing for the beginning of the Bible lunar seventh month in observance of the Sabbath Feast of Trumpets
new-moon-first-day of the Bible lunar seventh month on Thursday 29th September 2011. Morning worship service begins
from 10:30am at our worship grounds in Savanne Park, Roseau.
On the lunar tenth day of the same Bible lunar seventh month Ethanim (1 Kings 8:2) is the Sabbath Day of Atonement
Fast (NO eating and drinking) from Friday sunset 7th to Saturday (the weekly Sabbath day) sunset 8th
October 2011. Attending the morning worship service, on an EMPTY stomach, is from 10:30am on Saturday 8th October until sunset
at our worship grounds in Savanne Park, Roseau.
Five days later from the lunar fifteenth day of the same Bible lunar seventh month begins the Feast
of Tabernacles for seven days from Wednesday sunset 12th to Wednesday sunset 19th, immediately followed
by the Eighth Day Sabbath celebration (Leviticus 23) of the Last Great Day (John 7) from Wednesday sunset 19th
to Thursday sunset 20th October 2011.
The presently carded site for this eight-day celebration (Wednesday sunset 12th to Thursday sunset 20th October 2011) is St.
Amie's Guest House in ElmsHall, Roseau where we'll be camping, away from our homes (Exodus 34:22-24).
Annual vacation from work is best enjoyed when timed to coincide with the Bible commanded three times in the year festive
celebrations/observances (Exodus 23:14-17; Deuteronomy 16:16) comprising of seven ANNUAL holy Sabbath days (Leviticus 23)
in rest, congregational praise and worship to our Creator.
All are welcome to the eternal-life-rewarding celebration/observance of the Bible commanded worship appointed times, weekly
and annually, in fellowship with:
Yahweh's New Covenant Assembly
(opposite Operation Youth Quake;
near the Dominica Community High School)
Savanne Park (close to Louisville)
Commonwealth of Dominica
Weekly Sabbath day worship service:
Saturday 10:30AM ECT (-4 UT/GMT)