A successful
search for the third new moon this week to all,
Augustus Paul
Roseau, Dominica
22/05/2012 Search Confirms 21/05/2012 is the 3rd New
I didn't see the new moon from
Dominica last evening 21/05/2012 as I'd already indicated last evening. It was however sighted from North America as per www.NewMoonReport.org, www.PaleoTimes.org and www.TruthOfYahweh.org received confirmations for last evening 21/05/2012. I decided however to still go out and have a look at the moon this evening
22/05/2012. My search for it began from sunset/18:29 and began seeing it from 18:34 until I left off looking at and photographing
it at 19:08. Compare to last evening, the sky was pretty much clearer this evening with only one small portion of clouds in
sight way down below both the moon and Venus. Considering the height of the moon this evening 22/05/2012 gives me the confidence
that last evening 21/05/2012 was new moon though it was not sighted with the naked eye. The moon this evening 22/05/2012 was
almost up at same level with the Venus star as can be seen in these photos https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.384681204901470.82013.100000787822166&type=1&l=bc8937bb59, too high to for this evening 22/05/2012 to be new
moon here in the Americas and not last evening. A binoculars, if I had one, might have perhaps enable me of being able to
spot the new moon last evening 21/052012, considering the height at which the moon is this evening 22/05/2012. But for those
outside of the Americas region to where the new moon was no where close last evening 21/05/2012 including Israel, this evening
22/05/2012 to those regions is certainly new moon evening. A happy new moon day of rejoicing this week to all though one day
Augustus Paul Roseau, Dominica