"...No optically-assisted sighting of the new
crescent moon
is likely on August 17th due to the age of the Moon and the remoteness of the region of visibility. The earliest optically-assisted
sightings of the new crescent moon may be possible from Australasia on August 18th. Naked-eye sightings are likely from Madagascar,
the south part of Africa, Central and South America later the same day. Observers worldwide should be able to see the new
crescent moon on August 19th with the possible exception of northern Japan, the northern half of Asia, northern Europe and
northern Canada where excellent conditions will be the minimum requirement to see the new crescent moon. It is worth noting
that the low altitude of the Moon on August 19th in the United Kingdom may delay the sighting of the crescent until the following
day. Consequently, we would like to encourage as many observers as possible to try and observe the new crescent moon in the
period August 17th to August 20th." -
http://astro.ukho.gov.uk/moonwatch/Providing there isn't a whirlwind threat this week Sabbath 18th August 2012 to the extent of hindering the assembling
of the brethren in worship to our Creator and the weather remains whirlwind-FREE into the evening past Sabbath sunset, the
brethren just after the sunset-end of the Sabbath afternoon session will be acknowledging the visible new moon ushering-in
of the Bible calendar sixth month by way of an evening worship service for perhaps about an hour.
of the short space of time after Sabbath sunset that the new moon evening worship service will be starting in about ten to
fifteen minutes and I'm the one who has been assigned to lead/moderate the service, my usual monthly outgoing in search of
the new moon and sharing info with you on my search therefore seems not be a possibility for me this upcoming new moon evening.
there a 100% certainty of the new moon being sighted from USA and the Caribbean at the age of twenty-nine and a half hours
old this coming Saturday evening 18th August 2012?
Augustus Paul
Roseau, Dominica
Greetings lovers of the lifestyle our Creator has commanded us to live include the observing
of His new moons, Sabbaths and annual feast days.
As I'd told you last week that I might not have had the chance to go out in search of the sixth
new moon from this past Sabbath sunset last evening as I was the one assigned to co-ordinate/moderate the service last evening
in observance of the ushering-in of the new-moon-beginning of the Bible sixth month. It did turn out that I couldn't have
gone out in search of the new moon this past evening after Sabbath sunset 18th August 2012.
But upon asking me in the ending of the Sabbath afternoon session
if I'll be going to look for the new moon and my reply to her for not being able to go was as stated above, Sis. Thomas immediately
called her husband Elder Thomas informing him of my situation and if he could do the honors to make a search for the new moon
and which he did.
His report on returning to the assembly grounds by which time the evening service was already
in progress is that he did not see
it although the sky condition was not such to had hinder a sighting if the new moon was visible. Just some haze there was
on the horizon, he stated to me.
I'd also ask a youth to keep a check with some sacred name new moon sites including most of
www.NewMoonReport.org, but service came to end without any reports as yet arriving.
The calling for a new moon evening service last evening by the Presbytery at my fellowship was
as per the August 2012 prediction at
http://yaiy.org/calendar/CALENDAR%202012.pdf. Some other sacred name new moon sites' predictions for a sighting last evening from USA was one of a non-expectation and
that the sighting will be from this evening Sunday 19th August 2012.
I will therefore as a result, be going out from late this Sunday
afternoon 19th August 2012, if Yahweh permits, to have a look at the size and height of the moon from sunset to determine
for myself whether if the new moon was at all there and was just too low to had been seen at the age of 29 hrs 33 min at sunset
last evening or if I'm looking at its first above-the-horizon appearing to my Dominica area of the North America region as
the Caribbean was mention at
www.PaleoTimes.org as one of the areas it might become visible last evening.
Got to run away now from the internet cafe to domestically put all that's needed in place and to be out in time for this
evening sunset look at the moon.
Shavua (week) tov (good) aleichem (be to you) and Yahweh bless,
Augustus Paul
Roseau, Dominica
Sunday 19th August 2012 1:55 PM
New moon greetings to all! Sighting of this Bible 6th new moon from Roseau, Dominica was from 18:19 (7 minutes
before the sun set at 18:26) and I remained looking at it until 19:27 with the intention of waiting to see how long it would
take to set this evening Sunday 19th August 2012 but could not remain on this watch any longer as I had to get going to reach
the internet cafe to send out this report before it closes at 20:00. Scattered clouds was present but that was down below
where the moon was located south of sunset. Being 53 hrs 25 mins at the time I first caught sight of it, it appeared to be
a bit high but not higher than this height at which I've seen some past new moons. All photos taken was after the 18:19 first
sighting of the new moon this evening.
Here are the pictures of this evening Sunday 19th August 2012 new moon search
and sighting:
Happy 6th month of the Bible year to all,
Augustus Paul
Roseau, Dominica
Sunday 19th August 2012 8:12 PM