Mother-Lode of barley Abib/Aviv as found by Nehemiah Gordon in Israel during the two days
preceding the March 2013 new moon which he has video posted at:
Barley having
been found and the amount confirmed to be in sufficient harvesting quantity, we can't do otherwise but to be certain that
the new moon sighted by brother Mathias Francis and I at 18:34, Elder J. Felix Thomas family together with sister Vincia Williams
at 18:36, brother Craig Massicot family at 18:40 and Deacon Russell Bertrand at 18:41, a total of nine (9) of us in the faith
of Yahshua this Tuesday evening 12th March 2013, is the new moon of Abib/Aviv,
ushering-in the first lunar month on the holy Bible/biblical lunar calendar.
Sighting this evening's
new moon of Abib together with brother Mathias Francis and I was a gentleman (not in the faith of Yahshua) who was near to
us at the time of our sighting. Our sighting occurred in only a few minutes after I gave him a briefing concerning the biblical
calendar following his question concerning the spoken of Dragon in the Bible. If his sighting, though not in the household
of faith, is to be included with ours, it is ten (10) of us I can confirm who have sighted this Tuesday evening 12th March
2013 new moon of Abib. Sunset was at 18:15 when this new moon of Abib/Aviv/Nisan ushered-in.
This makes this week Wednesday 13th March 2013, in the North America Region
including the Caribbean Community where I live, the BIBLICAL very FIRST day of the FIRST month of a NEW year.
Passover and a 7-Day Rest from
Consuming Leaven
Please spread
this news far and wide, letting everyone hear and know that the 2013 predicted timing for the holy BIBLE commanded Abib/Aviv
first moon of the year Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread celebrations
will certainly be Monday SUNSET/evening 25th March 2013, the evening of the
lunar 14th day of Abib/Aviv/Nisan, for the ANNUAL worship service commemoration of our Savior's PASSOVER death and from Tuesday
SUNSET 26th March through till Tuesday SUNSET 02nd
April 2013 for the celebration of the Feast of Unleavened Bread for SEVEN(7) full 24-hour days during which, bread/biscuits/pastries
and the such like baked products that is eaten, must NOT contain any leaven/yeast/baking powder.
So too, any kind of leaven/yeast/baking
powder products must NOT be in or found in our houses during the BIBLICAL lunar 15th to the 21st day of the FIRST moon Abib/Aviv/Nisan
period of the seven(7)-day Feast of Unleavened Bread. Carefully read the label of grocery food products before buying/purchasing.
A calendar so few are aware of
For those who are not aware of the heavenly
lunar calendar and the celebrations/observances it carries, please see Genesis 1:14, Exodus 12, Leviticus 23, Numbers 28-29,
Deuteronomy 16, Psalm 104:19, 1 Corinthians 5:7-8, Colossians 2:16-17, etc. in the book called the Holy Bible or contact for practical insight.
Zechariah 8:23
Please find Nehemiah Gordon's Facebook photo album of
his March 2013 barley Abib/Aviv search yielding in
positive findings, at:
Join in the New Moon Search
will and is interested in having a witness in sighting this week's new moon beginning of a new year on the biblical lunar
calendar, are welcome to look out for and join me behind the New Roseau Market near the mouth of the Roseau river at 6:00pm
this week Tuesday 12th March 2013 in search for the new moon of Abib lunar first month of the biblical calendar new year.
Bro. Mathias Francis was the only one who showed up in search of the new moon of Abib together with me and have been doing
so for sometime now for the critical new moons of Abib and the Feast of Trumpets, for which I dearly thank Yahweh.
You Are Invited
All are invited to join in for the new moon of Abib
evening worship service this Tuesday evening 12th March 2013 carded to commence from 8:00pm at:
(opposite Operation Youth Quake;
near the Dominica Community High School)
Savanne Park
(close to Louisville)
Roseau, Commonwealth
Windward Islands, West Indies
(767) 448-8143/615-6379
ElderJosephFrancis@hotmail.comWeekly worship service: Saturday-Sabbath
Passover EVENING memorial worship
service: Monday sunset/evening 25th March 2013, the evening of the lunar 14th day of the first moon Abib/Aviv.
A 24-hour day, IN THE BIBLE, begins and ends with SUNSET (Leviticus 23:32).
Feast of Unleavened Bread SABBATH MORNING
worship service; FIRST day: Wednesday MORNING 10:30am 27th March 2013;
followed by a boufet style lunch fellowship meal.
Feast of Unleavened Bread NIGHTLY worship service, AFTER
sunset: Wednesday 27th March to Monday 01st April 2013.
Feast of Unleavened Bread SABBATH MORNING
worship service; SEVENTH and LAST day: Tuesday MORNING 10:30am 02nd April 2013;
followed by a boufet style lunch fellowship meal.
2 hrs 24 min old waxing moon could not be seen
It was not possible for a 2 hrs 24 min old waxing moon to had been seen at 0%
of full from any part of the world this week Monday sunset/evening 11th March 2013. It was 26
hrs 24 min and 1% of full this Tuesday sunset 12th March 2013 when it is certain to be clearly visible especially from
the North America Region including my Caribbean Community (CARICOM) of residence on the condition of a favorable weather and
the western sky is visibly cloudless above the western horizon.
It was located a bit to the north
of sunset, positioning it in a tilted position to the north.
First Attempt at Videoing is On Youtube
This is my first attempt at videoing and with
my mobile cellular phone at YNCA ( in Dominica on Sabbath 09th March 2013 worship service. What a great thing it would be if I had the means, ways and equipments
to video the entirety of the Passover 2013 memorial service I'll be attending, IF Yahweh permits. Enjoy:
Here are pictures of the 2013 new moon of Abib evening sighting and worship
service celebration, followed by a fellowship meal:
A pleasant week to all; a week during which the
biblical new year ushers-in,
Augustus Paul
Roseau, Dominica
(767) 245-8369/316-1525