to all on this evening of the biblical TENTH new moon!
My search for the biblical tenth new moon this evening Tuesday
3rd December 2013 started from 17:36 (2 minutes after sunset). It turned 21 hours 12 minutes old when the sun set at 17:34.
Over the western horizon directly where the biblical tenth new moon should have been sighted this evening Tuesday 3rd December
2013 was totally covered over with clouds, making it impossible for me to ascertain that it may have been the new moon I saw
in between the clouds at 18:04. It continued appearing that way for about ten to twelve minutes, the under part of it remaining
stuck up to the clouds and being too vague, I kept watching, peradventure the clouds especially beneath it would sufficiently
clear off to allow a clearer sighting and be able to ascertain is it I'm seeing appearing to be tilting a bit to the south
but it was not to be. While that appearance was still in the showing, more to the left was
another appearance and in a lower position appearing to be lying straight on it's back. So when I saw appearances were
multiplying, I decided there's no way I'm going to be able to confirm the 18:04 appearance of a sighting.
Sky never became clearer but instead, all what was appearing to be the new moon, completely vanished as it got later, became
darker and clouds was more and more covering up every space there was as per photos
My search continued until 18:57 at which time I left off my search. has just posted received confirmation that it has been sighted from USA with whom you might want to keep tract as well as
with and for monthly new moon confirmations.
Happy and an enjoyable TENTH new moon day to all this week Wednesday 4th December
2013 when the biblical lunar calendar tenth month begins from this evening Tuesday 3rd December 2013.
What date and
evening is the biblical eleventh new moon expected to become visible in January 2014 at what age and visible from where?