New moon of Abib/Aviv greetings to all!
Elder Felix Thomas and I sighted this Monday evening 31st March 2014
new moon of Abib/Aviv at 6:39, his wife Sis. Clemencia Thomas at 6:40
and Deacon Russell Bertrand at 6:43.
Also sending in report while at
the computer writing this report is Bro. Garvin Jeremie that Elder
Handel Ophar, Elder George Jno. Baptiste and himself sighted it at about
6:35, enabling me to safely confirm at time of writing that seven (7)
of us here on the island of the Commonwealth of Dominica have sighted
this evening's new moon of Abib/Aviv.
pictorial view of the new moon of Abib/Aviv we sighted this evening:
I got to run off now to attend our new moon of Abib'Aviv evening worship service followed by an
evening fellowship meal.
A happy and productive Tuesday 1st April 2014 new-moon-first-day of the
BIBLICAL Abib/Aviv first moon and of the new year to all!
Augustus Paul
Roseau, Dominica
(767) 245-8369/316-1525