New moon day greetings to all!
saw the biblical second new moon Zif on Wednesday evening 30th April
2014 at 6:39, 16 minutes after sunset, from at the back of the New
Roseau Market, Roseau, Dominica. The new moon, tilting
somewhat to the south, was high and yet thin
at the age of 40 hours 9 minutes when the sun was set at 6:23. The upper
area of the sky where the new moon was first sighted was extremely blue
color clear at the time of the first sighting and while it remained in
that area. It began to decend to the lower haze covered area of the sky
nearing three quarters of an hour after sunset.
Seven (7) of us, including the following,
I can confirm, based on incoming reports, sighted it: Bro.
Garvin Jeremy at 6:50 from Morne Prosper, Roseau Valley, Dominica.
Deacon Russell Bertrand at 6:54 from Dublanc, Dominica. Elder
Locksley Joseph at 7:10 from Trinidad & Tobago. Sis. Angela
Sulton at 7:11 from Morne Prosper, Roseau Valley, Dominica.
Geraldine Timothy at 7:11 from Morne Prosper, Roseau Valley, Dominica.
Sis. Cecilia Christmas after sunset from St. Joseph,
Dominica. The
internet cafe I does use to post pictures from my camera via a
computer was closed the same 30/04/2014 new moon evening, hence the
reason why it
is this 01/05/2014 new moon daylight this report (was posted on Facebook
the same evening via mobile internet but without photos) is coming
across and with photos of my
new moon sighting:
those, through no fault of theirs, weren't able to have
observe/administer Yahweh's Passover during this past Abib/Aviv first
moon as commanded, the time permitted to do so at some other time is in
the biblical second moon on the same date of the 14th as it is
compulsory Yahweh's passover be not left unobserved. The sunset-end of
the lunar 13th day, ushering-in the evening of the lunar 14th day of
this second moon in observance of the Numbers 9 Passover will be Tuesday
sunset/evening 13th May 2014.
you look for and was privileged as I and
others to have naked-eye sighted the biblical second new moon on
Wednesday evening 30th April 2014?
Paul Roseau, Dominica (767) 245-8369/316-1525