Greetings Dear Visitors and all those of you who joins with me in taking the Bible pleasure in acknowledging
the CORRECT beginning of a month the evening the new moon makes its appearing.
The new moon beginning the Bible second month became visible on Tuesday evening 20th April 2004 which I saw with my own
two eyes at 7:00 p.m. ECT(-4 GMT) from Roseau, DOMINICA. It took me until 39 minutes after sunset before
I could have seen the new moon because that it was quite cloudy at the commencement of my search. Sighting eventually
became a possibility 39 minutes after sunset as the sky kept clearing up.
The name found in the Bible for this second month is Zif.
ABIB(green ears of Barley) in the early of Spring is when the first month on the Bible calendar ushered in at the appearing
of the March 2004 new moon and ended with 30 days at sunset Tuesday 20th April 2004 and we are now in the Bible second
month Zif.
The new moon marking the beginning of the Bible third month Sivan is carded to make its appearing at sunset 20th
may 2004.
Shalom and happy new moon to each and everyone of you!
Truly Yours,
Augustus Paul
22nd April 2004