The word pentecost, IF I'm correct, came to have been known to the English language speaker through
English speaking Bible scholars bringing this word across from the Greek version of the Sacred Scriptures into their English
translation of the Bible that we have with us today from the Latin translation of the Bible called the Latin Vulgate.
Since the Bible, as we have it today, is of Jewish/Israeli origin being first written in the primitive-Hebrew language
of the Jews (a fact which I know is and have witnessed being contended with in the Muslim community) by inspired Hebrew language
speaking men of Yahweh, then, any other language in which the Bible or Inspired Sacred Scriptures were were to have been presented
would have to be a translation coming in of a later date. The original for sure would predate any version of the original
as there cannot be a version or translation of a non-existing original. An original MUST exist from which would come about
a version or translation as is the case with the Bible that we hold and carry in our hands today in the English language.
So then Greek, as it is well agreed and understood by Bible scholars, was the language which the Hebrew Inspired
Sacred Scriptures was being first translated into by seventy-two Greek speaking Jews in Alexandria some four centuries before
the nativity of our Savior Yahshua here upon this earth in the form of a human being to take away the sin of the world.
This Greek version is often being referred to as the Septuagint(seventy) version being the work of seventy-two
Greek speaking Jewish translators.
Then came in the Latin Vulgate as it is called which is the Latin translation of the Greek-Septuagint version of
the original, Hebrew Scriptures.
Pentecost therefore being a Greek word which I'll prove is in a while, most certainly would have had to be adopted from
the Greek-Septuagint translation of the Bible by Jerome as he sought to enable the Latin speaking individual of being able
of reading the heaven inspired Jewish originated Sacred Scriptures too as well.
Translating the Latin Vulgate into the English language, the English speaking Bible scholars therefore only followed
Jerome and similarly carried this word from Jerome's Latin Vulgate Bible translation over into their English translation as
Jerome did from the Greek-Septuagint into his Latin Vulgate (which is exactly how too that the Latinized-Greek name Jesus
came to be the popularly accepted personal name used in reference to our Savior throughout the New Testament writings in a
majority of our Bible English translations in place of His rightful name Yahshua which was originally the name being given
from the heavens which is the only personal name by which He is to be acknowledged).
If the word pentecost correctly is a Greek word as I've stated earlier on, then it would have to be
that neither Jerome a Latin translator nor our English translators saw it fitting to have translated pentecost
into Latin or English but on the contrary, transliterated it wholesale, presenting it to the Latin and English reader exactly in
the same format that it is being read and pronounced in the Greek language.
Coming to understand therefore that the word pentecost originally is a Greek word, IF I'm correct in saying that it
is a Greek word, this must leave one to wonder with the question that since this word pentecost which we are reading in our
English translation of the Bible today is a Greek word, then what would this word mean therefore in our English
It is therefore now time to break the ice and find out the language origin of this word and what it would mean in our
English language IF it is not an English word.
It's Time To Break the Ice
The word pentecost, to be exact, appears three times in the Bible found only in the New Testament writings
being used twice in Luke's letter to Theophilus (Acts 2:1; 20:16) and once in Paul's first letter to the believers in Corinth
(1 Corinthians 16:8).
The New Testament passages of Scripture where this word appears on three occasions in the Bible reads
as follows:
Acts 2:1--
"And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place."
Acts 20:16--
"For Paul had determined to sail by Ephesus, because he would not spend the time in Asia: for he hasted,
if it were possible for him, to be at Jerusalem the day of Pentecost."
1 Corinthians 16:8--
"But I will tarry at Ephesus until Pentecost."
Consulting with Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible on the language origin and meaning of
the word pentecost, one would find in that Bible Concordance numbering that this word can be found at number
4005 in the Greek New Testament Dictionary and the word there for the word PENTECOST in the Greek language is the same word
and pronunciation as we see and read it in the English version of the Scriptures only that it ends with the letter e
and spells with the letter k instead of the c and as such, it is spelt P-E-N-T-E-K-O-S-T-E in
the Greek version of the Bible and means fiftieth. Yes. You've correctly heard. This word means FIFTIETH.