Hi Friends,
Greetings to everyone in the name of our Savior Yahshua!
I have this Friday (Sabbath) evening 15th October 2004 seen the new moon beginning the Bible 8th month Bul at 5:59 PM
ECT(-4 GMT).
Saturday(Sabbath) 16th October 2004 therefore is the NEW MOON FIRST day of the Bible 8th month
Bul(1 Kings 6:38).
The Bible 7th month Ethanim therefore just came to a close at sunset minutes ago with 30 days as the new
moon did not become visible last evening after 29 days.
The next new moon beginning the Bible 9th month Chisleu is carded to become visible in 29 days on Saturday evening
13th November 2004 where if it does become visible, Sunday 14th November 2004 will be the NEW MOON FIRST
day of the Bible 9th month Chisleu(Nehemiah 6:15).
Please ensure of making a visual search at attempting to confirm the visible appearing of the upcoming November 2004
new moon over the western horizon which will begin the Bible 9th month Chisleu as sun sets the 13th.
Upon sighting the new moon, please tell of your visual search for and success in sighting it including the date,
time and from where you've sighted it. At the bottom of the front page of this website is a Sign my Guestbook
feature which could as well be used to tell of your new moon search-sighting.
Trust that you who have observed the Bible-commanded Feast of Tabernacles have had a wonderful festive time in
Yahweh's presence where He placed His name as we at YNCA here in Dominica.
There's a second cousin of mines who is on the hospital bed as at this posting. He is Bro. Dinrick Dunblin, a member
of the Sacred Name Movement here in Dominica. Please pray for Him and place/keep him on your prayer list.
Bro. Augustus Paul
Roseau, Dominica