It is a Bible truth
that our Savior was born from the womb of a Jewish virgin known in her Jewish community by the Hebrew name Miriam some two
thousand (2,000) years ago, an event which is thought to have occurred in the dead-cold winter time of the year on the Gregorian-Roman
calendar date of December 25.
IF the time when this event is thought to have occurred is correct as oppose to the research findings of Bible
Scholars and Educators proving our Savior was thirty-three and a half years of age at the time that He was being impaled,
it is therefore interesting when six(6) months after our Savior’s thirty-third(33rd) birthday as a human
being on this earth would have occurred as, in keeping with Bible experts’ conclusion, our Savior was being executed
at the age of thirty-three and a half years or thirty-three(33) years and six(6) months.
Since, as Bible Scholars
and Educators have concluded, that our Savior was impaled at the age of thirty-three and a half years, which is SIX months
AFTER His thirty-third birthday, one MUST end up with a late June in the Summer time in counting SIX months forward from December
25 when He is thought to have been born, if one is to hold the affirmation of Bible Scholars and Educators that our Savior
was thirty-three and a half years or thirty-three years and six months of age at the time that he was being impaled some 2,000
years ago as being correct. It would mean that IF December 25 in the dead-cold of winter is correctly when our Savior was
born, the observance of His PASSOVER death, since that He died SIX months AFTER His thirty-third birthday, would have to be
celebrated in June when He would have had to die, to die at the age of thirty-three and a half years or thirty-three years
and six months.
But Passover, as the
Bible commands, MUST be observed on the fourteenth (14th) day of the moon marking the Bible calendar FIRST month
ABIB/Nisan which occurs in March/April on the Gregorian-Roman calendar in the early of spring. This is the date in the year
on which our Savior partook of the Passover with His disciples and died, as we are being told in the Bible New Testament writings.
So, from December 25 in the dead-cold of winter when He is thought to have been born, to March/April when He died in the early
of spring, is only about three months. He would only be about thirty-three and a quarter years or thirty-three (33) years
and three (3) months of age in March/April when He died, thus running short of about three more months since as Bible Scholars
and Educators have concluded that our Savior’s age when He was being impaled was thirty-three and a half years or thirty-three
years and six months.
Basing on the findings
and conclusions of Bible Scholars and Educators that our Savior was indeed thirty-three
and a half years or thirty-three years and six months of age in March/April when He was being impaled, SIX months AFTER
His thirty-third birthday as a human being here upon this earth some two thousand years ago, then there can’t be any
other conclusion that can be arrived at than that our Savior couldn’t therefore have been born, nor could His thirty-third
birthday have occurred in December which is only about three months prior to Passover in March/April when He died. He would
have had to be born at a time, where His thirty-third birthday would have occurred SIX months prior to His death, to have
died SIX months AFTER His thirty-third birthday at the age of thirty-three and a half years or thirty-three years and six
months, in March/April, on Passover day, in the early of Spring.
“We can determine the approximate date of the Savior's birth by knowing
when John the Baptist was born. Worship at the time centered on the temple at Jerusalem, where priests were required to perform
duties for a week twice in the year, 1 Chronicles 24:1-18. John's father Zacharias was from the family of Abiyah, and had
his turn on the eighth week of the year, 1 Chronicles 24:10.
“Beginning the count from the Days of Unleavened Bread at the beginning
of the [Bible calendar] year, we come
to the [Bible] third Hebrew month Sivan.
It was at this time that the angel of Yahweh told Zacharias he would become the father of a son, Luke 1:13. When his duties
were finished he went home, verse 23. At that time Elizabeth conceived, verse 24. This was about the middle or end of our
June. Moving forward nine months in the gestation period we come to March and John the Baptist is born. Luke 1:36 notes that
Yahshua was six months younger than John. So six months later, the Savior was born--at the end of September or first part
of October.
“It is commonly recognized that our Savior's ministry lasted three
and a half years. He began when He was 30 years of age, Luke 3:23, Numbers 4:3.
“Therefore, he was put to death at the age of 331/2
years and died at Passover--which falls in the spring at about April. Starting in April and counting back six months to His
birthday, we end up with an autumn birth date” (The Real Story of CHRISTMAS, pages
8-9; a booklet published by Yahweh’s Assembly In Messiah, 401 North Roby Farm Road, Rocheport, Missouri 65279, U.S.A.
Now, counting SIX
months backwards from the middle of the Bible FIRST month ABIB/Nisan when Passover occurs in the early of spring when our
Savior died in March/April to get when in the year that He was born and His thirty-third birthday occurred some six months
prior to His Passover death, we end up with SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER when He would have been born and His thirty-third birthday occurred,
in the Bible SEVENTH(7th) month Ethanim, perhaps on (an ANNUAL Sabbath) the first
day of the Bible-commanded seven(7)-days Feast of Tabernacles early in the Autumn/Fall time of the year, a weather climate
tolerable enough when shepherds could have been in the fields watching over their flocks that night (of the 15th
day of the Bible seventh month Ethanim?) that our Savior was born.
This is, hopefully,
a clear reasoning that proves “Christmas,” as this ancient rite is called, has nothing to do with the physical
birth of our Savior into this world some 2,000 years ago, nor was it ever meant for that purpose when it was initially brought
into existence even years BEFORE the physical birth of our Savior.
Because, IF at all
it did and that our Savior had meant for us to and commanded that we celebrate His birth just as He gave command to celebrate
His death, wouldn’t SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER have been the precise time to inaugurate
this celebration to take place since it is precisely when He was born, rather than in the winter December when He was NOT
“It was a custom among Jews to send out their sheep to the deserts about
the Passover [early spring], and bring them home at the commencement of the first rain. The first rain commences in October
or November. As these shepherds had not yet brought home their flocks, it is a presumptive argument that October had not yet
commenced, and that, consequently, our Savior was not born on the 25th of December, when no flocks were out in the fields
...the flocks were still in the fields BY NIGHT. On this very ground the nativity in December should be given up”
(Clarke's Commentary, by Adam Clarke, volume 3, page 370).
“Night in December is not a time for flocks to be in the field”
(The Untold Story of CHRISTMAS, page 4; a booklet published by Yahweh’s Assembly in Yahshua, 2963 County Road
233, Kingdom City, Missouri 65262, U.S.A.
As a matter of fact,
He would have precisely indicated His date of birth and so given instruction as to what he would have like being done on this
day with regards to His birth. But there is no such given instruction anywhere at all in the Bible that we all claim to love
and follow.
The point is, since
our Savior died a whole SIX months AFTER His thirty-third birthday at the age of thirty-three
and a half years or thirty-three years and six months based on Bible Scholars
and Educators’ conclusion that this was His age at the time that He was being impaled some two thousand years ago, there
is absolutely NO way December 25, in the dead-cold of winter, can be when our Savior’s thirty-third birthday have occurred,
let alone when to had been born as this Roman dating precedes the Bible Passover dating on which our Savior died in Spring
by only about THREE months. Where is the other THREE months to make up the SIX months time period that between his thirty-third
birthday and the Passover day on which He died in the early of spring must consist?
By stepping back THREE
months or there about from the Roman calendar dating on which our Savior is thought to have been born, we get the missing
THREE months, and by doing which, we get approximately where His thirty-third birthday occurred SIX months BEFORE He died
and when He was born, some THREE months prior to the December 25 “Christmas” festivity.
It is quite evident
therefore that the festival of Christmas and the birth of our Savior are two separate and different occurrences altogether
with the birth of our Savior having occurred in an altogether different weather climate from that in which Christmas is being
celebrated. Our Savior’s birth therefore has no connection with Christmas or vice versa, being about THREE months apart
from each other.
The birth date of
any of our Creator’s prominent human personalities in the Bible is no where recorded in the Bible as having been an
occasion for celebration.
“Christmas was according to many authorities not celebrated in the first
centuries of the Christian Church as the Christian usage in general was to celebrate the death of remarkable persons rather
than their birth” (Encyclopedia Americana, 1942 edition, volume 6, page 623).
Nor can the precise
date of our Savior’s birth be found anywhere in the Bible or where our Savior introduced a celebration of His birth
as an obligation from His father in the heavens to humankind.
“How could the Heavenly Father expect His people to observe Christmas,
steeped in heathen ritual? He kept the month as well as the date of the Savior's birth hidden. The answer is quite apparent
and clear--He never wanted it to be observed! If He did, there would be no question as to the proper time. And He would have
specifically commanded it, as He does His true holy days” (The Untold Story of CHRISTMAS, page 20).
“The fathers of the first three centuries do not speak of any special
observance of the nativity. No corresponding festival was presented by the Old Testament ... the day and month of the birth
of [the Messiah] are nowhere stated in the Gospel history…” (Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and
Ecclesiastical Literature, "Christmas," page 276).
Making a celebration
of our Savior’s physical birth into this world and the date on which this is being done, obviously some THREE months
AFTER when He was actually born, simply is only of man’s own designing some FOUR (4) CENTURIES AFTER our Savior was
taken back up into the heavens.
“Christmas was not among the earliest festivals of the church”
(Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1946 edition).
“A feast was established in the memory of the birth of the Savior in
the Fourth Century” (Encyclopedia Americana, 1942 edition, volume 6, page 623).
“In the Fifth Century the Western Church [Roman Catholic] ordered it
to be celebrated forever on the day of the old Roman Feast of the birth of Sol [the sun]” (Encyclopedia Americana,
1942 edition, volume 6, page 623).
“...the Latin Church...placed it on the 25th of December, the very day
on which the ancient Romans celebrated the feast of their goddess Bruma. Pope Julius I was the person who made this alteration”
(Clarke's Commentary, by Adam Clarke).
It is rather interesting
what to many is the celebration of our Savior’s birth actually have been in existence in the form of idolatrous pagan-sun
worship from as far back as 2,000 years even BEFORE our Savior was born into this world as a human being.
“Christmas predates the Messiah by 2,000 years. It was first observed
in rites of idolatrous pagans, and the Creator punished Israel for becoming involved in these rites. He also warns you not
to learn heathen ways” (The Real Story of CHRISTMAS, inside front cover).
The Untold Story
of CHRISTMAS booklet, on page 20, quotes Roman Catholic Priest, Peter J. Riga, from the U.S. Catholic
magazine that he edits as having admonished his adherents and readers recently to "come out of the land of
Babylon which the hucksters of wares and materialism have taken over...and leave Dec. 25 to the pagans."
It is ours to give
heed to the warnings that have been placed before us and be saved from the wrath of our Creator Yahweh soon to be poured out
upon all who are willfully continuing in pagan practises which He abhors and commands us not to indulge in.
“On that day of judgment,” says [Yahweh], “I
will punish the leaders and princes of Judah and all those following pagan customs. Yes, I will punish
those who participate in pagan worship ceremonies…” (Zephaniah 1:8-9 NLT).
Augustus Paul
Revised: 12/2005 (10/5766)