Greetings dearly beloved in the name of our Savior Yahshua Ha'Mashiach!
I wish each and everyone of you a joyous Sabbath of delight.
Also on this weekly Sabbath evening is the occasion of the sighting of the new moon which begins a new Bible
lunar year (5766, on the Jewish calendar).
This Bible new year therefore begins tomorrow Saturday (Sabbath) 12th March from this Friday (Sabbath) evening 11th
March 2005 when this new moon of Abib became visible to all of us over the western horizon.
Sighting the new moon of Abib along with me this evening were a sister in the faith as well as her daughter
and also a co-worker of hers.
My sighting was at 18:17, hers at 18:18, her co-worker's at 18:25 and her daughter's at 18:33.
A pleasant Sabbath and a joyous new moon, first day of the Bible new year.
It is the new moon that becomes visible at the time that the grain of the Barley in Israel is young, tender and/or GREEN
as winter expires which biblically begins the year CORRECTLY and of course, I, along with all who believe, are
of the certainty that this evening's new moon opens a new year on the Bible calendar by way of reports reaching us in
the West from Jerusalem, Israel that large fields of barley was found this week Tuesday 8th March 2005. Pictures which
were e-mailed along with the barley reporting, I must confirm, are indeed factual.
Not only were there large fields of barley stalks but that the grains/ears on these stalks are GREEN to the
full. Else, this evening's new moon could not have been sighted as the beginning new moon (first day) of the year but
would have had to be considered a 13th moon Bible leap year if barley GREEN ears were not being found this week in Israel.
If this is how it had turned out, the Bible new year would not have begun until the new moon in April.
On the 14th evening beginning to count from tonight Friday 11th March is Yahweh's Passover night when our Savior
was betrayed. Yahweh's commanded Passover memorial observance of His Son's death will therefore be observed
along with the washing of each others feet on Thursday 24th March at Yahweh's New Covenant Assembly (YNCA) here
in Roseau, Dominica beginning at 7:00 p.m. sharp.
Then the following night, on Friday (Sabbath) evening 25th March, begins the 7-days Feast of Unleavened Bread
from sunset. The first and last days of this 7-days feast are ANNUAL Sabbath days of rest, praise and worship to our Creator.
The first day of this 7-days feast occuring on a weekly Sabbath 26th March makes that day both a weekly and an ANNUAL Sabbath
day, a double Sabbath. No leaven shall be found in our houses nor eat any bread, cakes, pastries, biscuits, etc. that's leavened.
Please take note that UNleavened bread MUST be eaten each and every single one of the 7-days Feast of
Unleavened Bread and that a 24-hour day in the Bible begins and ends with sunset.
This 7-days feast, this year 2005, ends with Friday 1st April 2005, an ANNUAL Sabbath Day of rest from work in a holy
convocation (worship service gathering) to the Almighty.
See you at Yahweh's Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread celebrations with Yahweh's New Covenant
Assembly (YNCA) here in Roseau, Dominica irrespective of where you live.
Augustus Paul
25 Emergency Housing Scheme
Balisier Lane, Bath Estate, Roseau
Commonwealth of DOMINICA
West Indies
(767) 245-8369