Greetings everyone in the name of our Savior Yahshua and a good evening as well to the over 50 of you receiving
this my mailing this Friday (Sabbath) evening 2nd/12/05.
It is with the joyous news that I write to report that I have seen the new moon this Friday (Sabbath)
evening 02nd/12/05 from Roseau, Dominica at 5:45pm, 13 minutes after sunset.
The appearing of the new moon this Friday (Sabbath) evening 02nd/12/05, which is still visible above the horizon
this evening even as I write, signals the beginning of the Bible 10th month Tebeth as of sunset this evening.
New Moon, Day One of this Bible 10th month Tebeth therefore is tomorrow Saturday (Sabbath) 3rd/12/05 from this Friday
(Sabbath) evening 02/12/05 sunset.
A happy Sabbath and New Moon Day to each and everyone of you receiving this mailing as well as to your families and spiritual
houses of worship.
The beginning of the search for the next new moon, in 29 days, will be from Saturday (Sabbath)
sunset 31/12/05, this Roman December month end.
Shabbat Shalom and have a blessed 10th month (moon) in Yahshua our Savior!
Augustus Paul
Roseau, Dominica
(767) 245-8369