Greetings each and everyone whose abode is in Yahshua our Savior and Redeemer of
We are drawing ever closer to Passover even as we have entered into the Bible 12th month Adar as of this evening
being Yahweh has cleared up the skies at sunset here in Dominica whereby we could have seen the new moon beginning the Bible
12th month this Monday evening 30th January 2006 which I sighted at 6:12pm along with Sister Zena Remie-John and her son Isaiah
The new moon was high but extremely thin when our eyes caught sight of it.
We are definitely now in the
month carrying the number which in Scripture apparently is related to Yahweh's order of Government. For we see clearly in
Scripture that it was 12 Apostles our Savior chose. Reading the book of Revelations, we see Yahweh's soon to be established
Government here upon this earth will comprise of 12 gates which is according to the amount of Apostles that our Savior
had chosen and which are mentioned concerning the 12 gates of that city of gold.
We are therefore expected to messure
up to Yahweh's perfect order of Government to be allowed entrance with eternal life. HalleluYah!
Augustus Paul Roseau,
Dominica (767) 245-8369
Jerusalem, Israel
Karaite Korner Newsletter #251
New Moon Report January 30, 2006 Twelfth Biblical
On Monday January 30, 2006 the New Moon was sighted by many observers across Israel.
The New Moon
was first sighted by: *Magdi Shamuel from Ashsod at 17:24; *Tim and Deb Arndt from Poriyya at 17:31; *Roberto Umana
from Tzur Hadasah at 17:35; *Hellen Siemens, Ray Dow, Terry Fehr and a group of more than 10 other observers from Jerusalem
at 17:44.
Rosh Hodesh Sameach! (Happy New Moon!)
Nehemia Gordon Jerusalem, Israel