Friday (Sabbath) evening 24/02/06
Dear Friends, Greetings and a pleasant Sabbath to each and all.
As we know, the next new moon sighting at the sunset-end of the lunar 29th day is carded for this coming Tuesday
evening 28th February which I desire to make a search for and send you a reporting whether sighted or not.
But due to this coming Monday and Tuesday 27th and 28th February respectively are going to be national holidays
in observance of Carnival/Bacchus revelry jump-up islandwide, ALL Public Surf Cafe's will therefore be closed.
As such, while I'll be making a search for this upcoming new moon, Internet access will totally be out of my
reach and therefore uncertain at this time what possibilities that Yahweh is going to make available to enable me of
sending in a new moon report come Tuesday evening 28/02/06, if He does open to me some open door somewhere.
Tuesday evening 28/02/06 when the new moon is carded to become visible of course is expected to be when the
Carnival/Bacchus revelry jump up will be at its highest peak islandwide being the last lap of the two days. This may
well make it even the more difficult for me to at least reach the west coast of the capitol in search
of the new moon.
I mention this to you that you would know should you not hear anything from me or you do not see a new moon
sighting confirmation appearing on this new moon page come Tuesday evening 28/02/06 if it is when this
upcoming new moon does become visible after the lunar 29th day.
Look For Each New Moon,
Augustus Paul
Roseau, Dominica
ABIB/AVIV Search In Israel
Karaite Korner Newsletter #250
Aviv Search and Potential Holiday Dates
are gearing up for this year's Aviv Search. We have volunteers
flying in from the US to join those already in Israel but
we need
your help with covering the costs of the Abib Expedition.
To support the Abib Search please send checks
to: World Karaite Movement,
POB 7816, Jerusalem, Israel. Remember to include a note indicating that the
donation is
for Abib. Donations can also be made by credit card through by clicking on the link at: by examining the barley in various regions of the Land of Israel can we
when the biblical year will begin. We must find the earliest
ripening fields in the land, since Scripture speaks about
the wave-sheaf
offering during the Feast of Unleavened Bread coinciding with the beginning
of the barley harvest in
the Land (Deuteronomy 16:9; Leviticus 23:10). To
learn more
please see: February 28 and March 1, 2006, the last two days of the 12th biblical
month, the Aviv
will scour the Land of Israel examining the barley crops to see if
the barley is
Aviv in accordance with the verse:
"Keep the Month of the Aviv" (Dt 16:1).
If the
barley is Aviv by March 1, then Chag HaMatzot (Feast of Unleavened Bread)
will fall
out on March 16, 2006 (beginning the previous evening). If the barley is not
Aviv by
March 1, then
it will fall out on April 14, 2006 (beginning the previous
evening). The
potential dates of this coming year's biblical
holidays are posted at: are dangerous times and to carry out the Aviv search we need your
prayers and
support. Last year we saw the confusion caused by an inexperienced
ill-informed Aviv searcher spreading spurious
reports. The irony was that
last year we
also saw the most pronounced evidence of Aviv at the end of the 12th month
in nearly two
decades. This underscores the importance of involving experienced
in the search and
consulting with the top experts in the field as well as
training new
people to participate in the search. I am extending
an open invitation to
anyone who
believes in the biblical calendar to come join us. You don't have to be a
you only
have to be committed to the Biblical Aviv calendar. We especially need
agronomists but
anyone who is willing
to come and learn is welcome.
Nehemia Gordon
Jerusalem, Israel
Thursday 19th January 2006