Greetings each and everyone in our Savior Yahshua the Son of our Creator Yahweh.
Along with the beginning of the weekly Sabbath here in Dominica, sun having set moments ago, is also the
beginning of the Bible 2nd month Zif being the new moon became visible this Friday (Sabbath) evening 28th April 2006
which I saw at 6:52pm (-4 GMT/UTC). Truly, a partially overcast sky almost hindered me from having sighted it.
The height at which it became visible almost made it possible of it being seen from Israel after
the lunar 29th day this Sabbath evening but a report preceeding from there confirms that it did not
become visible. It will eventually become visible there (if not visible this evening) tomorrow Saturday evening
29th, making this past moon a 30-day first month of the Bible year to that part of the world. Pray for
the peace of Jerusalem; a great blessing is promised to those who love her (Psalm 122).
Tomorrow Saturday (Sabbath) 29th April 2006 is New Moon Day-One(1) of this Bible 2nd month for us here in the West
who've seen the new moon this evening.
Trust this past Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread was a time of great reflection for each and everyone of us
before Yahweh, reaching us into a more intimate fellowship with him.
Happy Sabbath and Second New Moon day to ALL!
Augustus Paul
Roseau, Dominica
(767) 245-8369