Greetings each and everyone!
Only a few words to say that I searched for the new moon on Saturday evening 27th May 2006, after Sabbath sunset, for
exactly one whole hour, from sunset (6:31pm) till 7:31pm, and the new moon was not visible to anyone of us here
in Dominica.
The sky was beautifully cloudless throughout the search.
All I have to share this time is two confirmed sighting reports that have been submitted to me appearing with
this report.
I surely wish each and everyone a joyous and Yahweh-fearing experience throughout this Bible 3rd month-moon Sivan.
It is during this moon that the Holy Spirit power was being diseminated down to this earth forever to indwell those to whom
Yahweh has and will give it (Acts 5:32).
It is also during this moon that the hurricane season begins which we here in the Caribbean experience at this time of
year down to about the Bible 7th/8th month-moon in October.
Remember when the Holy Spirit was diseminated to this earth that the Bible tells us that it came in a sound as that
of a mighty rushing wind (Acts 2:2)?
Hurricanes/whirlwinds are a mighty rushing winds as well, Isn't it?
This moon surely looks to be a moon that has much to do with a time of mighty rushing winds; hurricanes, whirlwinds.
May the Feast of Harvest/Weeks, when it will have arrived on Sunday 4th may 2006, that we celebrate it with
much circumspection telling ourselves to live the life that will escape us from His mighty rushing whirlwind
of wrath at the return of His Son our Savior Yahshua!
May the Pentecost (50th day) Sabbath Feast of Harvest/Weeks on Sunday 4th June 2006 be a time of living our lives
to escape our Creator's impending wrath soon to be unleashed upon those of us who are living our lives contrary to the purpose
for which He has created and placed us upon this earth.
Shalom and Yahweh Bless,
Augustus Paul
Roseau, Dominica
West-central New Mexico
We saw a very clear but thin new moon here in west-central New Mexico about 1/2 hour after
sunset, just after the Sabbath on May 27th. Have a wonderful new month. Dan & Errin
Phoenix, Arizona