Post Feast of Tabernacles greetings to each and everyone of you my dear new moon searching friends.
Two days ago 20/10/06, I sent out an e-mail indicating for those of us in the areas to whose locality the last new moon
of the Bible 7th month became visible a month ago on Saturday evening 23rd September 2006 that our search for the upcoming
new moon beginning the Bible 8th month Bul should begin from the sunset-end of the lunar 29th day this Sunday sunset/evening
22nd October 2006 and that, if it is not seen though the western sky is clear, then it will become visible after the lunar
30th day this Monday sunset/evening 23rd October 2006.
My reporting to you for this Sunday evening 22/10/06 is that, though the western
sky is extremely clear with favorable weather conditions here in the central of the capitol at sunset of this lunar 29th day,
the new moon of the Bible 8th month Bul was not visible to the naked eye.
I'll again be out at the end of the lunar 30th day tomorrow Monday sunset/evening 23/10/06 in search of the Bible
8th new moon and to send you a reporting whether or not that I've seen it, if it is Yahweh's will. This is providing no confirmation
from any of you for this Sunday evening 22/10/06.
I Wish each and everyone of you a successful new moon search,
Augustus Paul
Roseau, Dominica
Sunday evening 22/10/06